Friday, June 30, 2023

Another camping adventure

Relaxing Monday start to the day. Once caffeinated I watered my planters. Then marketing to catch up many days. I filled the salt mineral tub in the far paddock and opened up all paddocks tot he horses. Switch and Timba are doing very well on the recently grass growth. S chatted with Craig and put on the new lawn mower blades.

Tracey L arrived before noon. She and I got a good visit in. S joined us for pizza. She was off at 2:30 as he got started mowing the lawn. I started packing the trailer to go camping. We took a quick run to town to mail my Etsy parcel and grab camping groceries. A fridge clean out was our supper. It was a beautiful evening. Perfect for pulling weeds. S started a fire to burn all the dead trees. He sat round the stinky fire while I uploaded all the concert videos. Hopefully you enjoyed watching them.

Tuesday morning was a crazy sleep in for S. 9:45 we woke. I was up though at 230 for some chips then let H out at 6 then to garage before 7. Coffee and quickly water the garden/planters, pack up all the last minute things. We pulled out at 11. Camp was set up before 1. We had one of the last sites available; C3. It turned out to be a lovely shaded site.

We enjoyed time out on the boat with stouts, Cards games at our site. Harley loved their new pontoon boat. BBQ supper and campfire at Krista’s site. We have yet to see Baby Thea whose schedule is missing us. She was a wee baby last year when we met here camping. Like our little Renn is now.

Harley tries sitting in a human chair and below Darren plays tug

Wednesday we were woke by fighting birds very early then at 7:30 a nearby site had a construction crew start up an air compressor and they spent the day building a shed!!. Not long after the vacuum truck started up cleaning tanks of trailers beside us!!! WTH. This is crazy for a campground. We had our coffee at the beach.

It was a great camping day with beauty weather. Games, beverages, boating, BBQ and snacks. S caught 2 fish. Sharon, Sheldon and Darren all knee boarded. 

S knee board videos ... in his cowboy hat 

the hat did not fare well

Harley helping spot and below as it rained on our ride back in Sharon gave her a towel too xoxo

A sprinkle of rain started at 7 as they were fishing but a huge lightening strike ended that in a flash. Rain came down on our way in and for a bit more. S and I ventured back when it let up to BBQ ribs then played games inside as it rained again. Once it let up we drove over this one time to the campfire. Back at the trailer we watched a bit of FUBAR till S dozed. I was dozy the night before watching.

Thursday was an even hotter day. Today we were woke by wood chopping at 8 followed by weed eating by the staff. WTH are there not quiet rules? I walked H around our loop with my coffee. Only the tenters across from us who were chopping wood were up as 3 workers roared around.

Finally saw Thea at the beach. Harley loved all the pets.

S had a good nap in the shade

Seeing so hot, we took Harley to the dock to get her swimming for the first time.

her swim videos.. I think she liked it but I did have to push her out to S

The afternoon was spent at our campground in the shady trees. Stouts, Lowes and Stan & Mabel enjoyed the shade seeing it hit 33!!

A cute little Kewpie doll

We headed out on the boat before 5 to fish and the fellows knee boarded to cool down. S caught 2 more fish and was the only successful fisher. 

He even caught 1 pike with a hook in its mouth. It got away with his but left the big spoon in the net.

oops he got away! video

S 360 turn videos

Once back we cooked up a delicious steak supper. The skies looked to be getting dark so we drove over to the campfire. It did not last long as the wind picked up so we went inside S&D trailer and played a card game till after 11. On the way home rain started but not allot.

Friday is home day. It was quiet for a change when we woke. And it was heating up fast. We had coffee then took H for a walk. I jumped in the shower quick. Then we loaded H and set off to check out the Bassano dam. On our way home thru town we stopped to get lunch at a food truck.

Back at the campsite we packed up most everything. A quick swim for H and S. Sharon and I visited while they did. Few last packs up. Then we all set off for home at 1. Once home S hit the couch for a nap and I watered planters and the garden. It turns out none of the rain ever hit here. I cut a few white peonies when B arrived just before 4 to drop off Cooper. She is going camping this w/e with friends.

The trailer was unpacked and unhooked. A quick trip to town to buy some gifts, get fuel before price goes up and grab a blizzard. I started a new series called Glamorous after finishing the blog.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Double concert w/e

Saturday is a beautiful day. Coffee for all before Mom was off to visit Dad before 9:30. I let the horse s into house paddock. I then got busy working on the bedroom suite. This step has me anxious as it is a step that is time sensitive and can cause lots of extra work. Glazing step dries fast and is easily overworked. For the next 3 hours I worked on pieces. I only had one drawer requiring a complete wipe and restart. 

Britt went to have sugaring done by a potential new employee for K and got the best pain killer ever; snuggling Renn

S weed eated weeds around horses shelters. He then took the tractor to the pit to try and tidy weeds there. We both stopped for a bowl of soup and a beer at 1. I had an Etsy shop sale chime!! It was the cup and saucer. I got it all boxed up to be mailed as S worked on his online certification. Seeing H would be home alone we took her for a walk. I then went out and finished the last dressers with the glaze which was another 2 hours but the dreaded part is done. Now to let them dry. S enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub with a couple beers till I was finished.

We then quickly dressed, fed H and headed to town. A stop at Roadhouse for supper before we went to the Brett Kissel concert. I had bought 4 tickets but when no one wanted to join us sold 2. Crazy thing was when we went thru the gates all 4 tickets had been used!!! THANK GOODNESS Sheldon was know by the main gal who let us in, whew! The gal I sold to claims she only used 2. Note to self; only screen shot a ticket or buy only what you need. 

I dont know the name of the opening guy but here is his cover of Sweet Child of Mine

The concert was very enjoyable. After Brett was done we stopped at a friend's box suite for a visit. Mom was very kind and came and picked us up and Uber'd us safely home.

Sunday I was up early showering and then had a hot tub. S slept in. Neither of us were feeling top notch. After coffee Mom was off to Dad's. She was back with him before lunch. 

S drove, Dad slept and Mom, Harley and I rode in the back. Mom got the tour of Britt's new place. She jumped in with us (we left Harley in her house with Cooper) and we went to Granary Road. It is a market nearby. I stayed in the car with Dad while the rest went in for a late taco lunch. After dropping B back and picking up H we headed home. Mom continued on to town to get Dad back. She stayed for supper with him then headed home to Oyen. S and I loaded a BBQ. I fed H quick. We got dressed and were off to the city. A quick stop at Shaina's to drop off the BBQ. We found a parking spot and hustled to our supper reservation at the Saddledome. The buffet was really good with lots of choices. The brisket and chocolate/fruit fountain both our faves. 

Opening artist was Josh Ross. He was a good up and coming young country fellow. You will hear him lots on the radio.

Next was Brantley Gilbert who looked like a tattooed biker but was surprisingly country with of course some rock. I quite enjoyed him

all the lit up cell phones were amazing to see

The main act Nickleback put on quite the show. It was a long night not ending till almost 11. On route home we drove thru McDonalds for fries and a McFlurry for the driver.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Busy week

There was 1/10th rain was overnight. My 2 refrigerated peonies look way better this morning. I cut a couple more blooms and added. So pretty!! My fav flower of all.

The bedroom suite had a second coat of white paint with grey added.

We ran to town for lunch at Origin's. The cheeseburger and fries were good and the cold beer refreshing. S's glasses got caught and broke while fueling so dropped at eye dr for repair. S had a rodeo coat sizing and short meeting. A stop at Rocking Horse was next to see about sponsorship for running with bulls panels. We grabbed a couple groceries and some booze.

S found some fresh mushrooms while we walked Harley. I had a bunch already to make soup for supper but may try to find enough in the future to make it fresh.

Mom stopped out after helping Dad with supper. She kindly picked up Sheldon's repaired glasses! The mushroom soup was just ready so she joined us for a bowl. We then loaded up and set off to Shaina's apartment where she was making tacos for her and Kaylin. We had a nice visit in the golden hour sunshine. Gran and S got a tour of the apartment and amenities too.

Shaina has no blinds. She was cleaning the glass and needed her Dad's height to get the top areas.

We were back at the ranch before 11 with the light just fading. Sad the days are getting shorter already. I finished Cleopatra. Mom to bed and S perused his phone.

Up early and coffee on Friday morning. We visited over a couple cups then Mom headed in to spend the day with Dad at 9. I spray waxed the bedroom suite. S worked on an online man lift certification. Crazy how you can get certified to run a huge piece of equipment online. Money grab for sure. As I curled my hair S took H for a walk before her day inside.

We were off to the city before 11. A stop in Langdon for ice caps. Returns at Costco were quick as were Saje ones at the mall. We got some warranty parts for the spa and dropped my wedding ring back at the jeweler to redip as area wearing already. Before the solar get together we stopped at a place called Jane Bond for a beverage. They had an ice tea with bourbon. It was quite tasty. 

We met Patrick; a former coworker of S's at the Sky Fire summer solictice solar party. It was warm and sunny out. They had yummy food and a refreshing cocktail. The presentation wrapped up the event.

We then headed to the NW to meet Kaylin, Nathan and his parents. The rain and wind started on way over. The patio plans were moved inside. It was a lovely first meeting for the grandparents. Renn slept thru it all. When we came out after 8 the sun was back out. We rounded out our evening with a hot tub.