Saturday, June 17, 2023

33 years married & TJ is 40

The wind was howling when I woke and blew all day. It made for a great day to catch up on things. Marketing, blog posts, tutorials and accounting. I met a paint product buyer at the gate after lunch while still in my pj's :) Our spare 2 concert tickets were spoken for. Harley got a well deserved bath after her muddy vacation to Britt's.

The gift parcel in the mail had a little something for Sheldon and I from Heather and Ron, THANK YOU! There was also a gift for Renn that would be opened on the weekend and was an adorable dress, shoes and sun suit/hat set. The dress would be perfect for a wedding, know of anyone engaged?? :)

S sent these photos of the bison going into the repaired fence field. His Dad helped him yesterday repair miles of barbed wire. He stayed at Mom's Tuesday and last night. Today he finished up the last repairs ready for them to go in.

watch the bison live video

Once the hurricane winds died to a dull roar, I tossed the horses hay and took H for a walk. I checked the rain guage - 1" 6/10ths!!!! I also picked some peonies. I only have 1 out of 7 plants that will bloom this year so best enjoy. I organized the deep freeze. S was home at 6:30. He brought 1/2 a bison. In the evening we watched Halftime. I enjoyed J Lo's super bowl show but missed allot of her message it seems :)

June 16th Coffee in bed. Today marks 33 years married. It is also Travis's 40th birthday!! Happy cake day TJ! 

honeymoon pics at West Ed

before digital when one shot was all you took!

I spent most of the day weeding the back flower bed. S started the hot tub water change with a 24 hour cleaning product. S ran to town to buy a town water card. Once there he found there was a card fee on top of the water costs. Change of plans. I ran over to get my lashes filled.

We had salad, bison tenderloin, lobster and roasted potatoes for supper. All the movies in theater are kids, marvel comic and one car movie; pass. It was off to town for dessert. First the car was filled with fuel. Seeing we were so close we stopped at Origins. We still have a gift card from the Moore's. Thanks guys. Banana split blizzard was shared as we drove home. We rounded out our anniversary starting a series called Fubar.

Saturday is here, mid June already. Time to get the house cleaned, laundry, plant watering, garden weeding. S worked on draining and cleaning the hot tub. He got a tote of water from Stouts. A quick trip to town to grab some groceries and pick up an ice cream cake for tomorrow's party. Dad was sleeping soundly after a good lunch. Back home S was filling the tub. Today was Renn's due date. So glad to have had 2 weeks with her already! XOXO

what a shame my topiary lilac died, and the after pic.

I picked a few more peonies. I also stuck 2 buds in the fridge to bring in later. 

I sawed down the dead lilac tree and Brittany's cherry tree.  The front flower beds were weeded and garden area started hand weeding the gravel areas. Poop scooping was up next. S ran back for a 1/3 tote. His friend Jerry (the fellow who rescued our keys) followed him back in after 4. They had a beer and took off in the Tesla. My housework continued. In between I loaded videos and photos on the blog posts. It wasn't until 7:30 when I finally made a salad. Jerry was off before 8. S cooked a couple hot dogs for a late supper.

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