Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Table tops back to brown

The morning was spent blending colors which ended up looking lovely BUT still did not look good with the base. On the base I changed to brown "dirt" and added dark wax which helped a bit. S graded the yard again as it continues to dry. 

my blending video

S headed to town at 2 with the recyclables. He took my DNA sample to mail as well. I worked on more tree stuff and activated my ancestry DNA kit. Then it was back out to the tables. Not loving them I decided to go dark on the top again with walnut stain. The wind and clouds forecast on noon news arrived around 3, boo! 

our lakefront property dwindles

tooo boring

so dark it went again

S was back before 3:30 bringing an iced cap. Nice refreshment as I was just staining the coffee table top. He also picked up a crib I had scored for free.  Rain started at 4 as it became dark and ugly. A line locator fellow came in at the same time to mark for the soil sampler guy coming soon. Up next was organizing my paint products. I have allot so going to purge some more and make room.

For supper I made us a delicious salad. S chopped mushrooms to help me make my favorite instant pot mushroom soup. After supper we went for a soak in the hot tub. This is the snow we have after 3 days from the snow covered look. I rounded off my night watching more Glow Up episodes and S sports.

the snow fence pile has dropped in half

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