Thursday, April 6, 2023

Farmhouse table sells

Headache again on waking, boo.  And more fog. It started low lying but increased as morning went on. Coffee and marketing after our meditation for me. S had coffee and laptop time. I was excited to have another inquiry on the grey table with the lady wanting to come see today at 1. Our plans to go to the city pivoted quickly. This also inspired me to get the baby stuff I hauled out for Kaylin to look at and Christmas stuff still out all reorganized and put back under the stairs.

We are ready for babies; cowgirls and tap dancers too:)

S headed off to shinny at 11. After getting the furnace room organized it was time to tidy kitchen and entry. I finished the Etsy ad for the blue bottle and got it published. Then it was continuing the tidy. Harleys kennel was totally moved out and the area vacuumed and cleaned new bedding etc. She was moved to garage for all this and the table viewing.

The fog started to clear off at 1 as I finished the tidy and awaited my customers. They arrived after 1 to lovely clearing sunshine. They looked at the grey table, the antique square one and the white one. After much debate they chose the white one. Their little girl made Jenkins's day petting him for quite awhile. They were off before 2 with plans to return Monday to pick it up.

Now to get busy in the garage painting the coffee and end table bases a buttercream white. Once they were done I left them to dry. H and I went out to feed Bird after 3. I took the clean horses blanket and put away in the tack room. I hauled 2 stools back from the mez to the garage. H and I then went for our walk meeting S at the gate. I jumped in the back with H running behind. Back at the house I put Bird back in paddock. Then finally it was late lunch. S had picked up Opa, yummy!!

Now to put a second coat of paint on the table bases. S took a quick gopher loop in the ranger but even though plus 4 the wind has a bite. He decided to clean hot tub filters instead. I flipped the tables. wiped the edges, lightly sanded then put a coat of walnut gel stain on them.

I cooked up the tastiest live supper late seeing we had late lunch. Sautéed onions for the prince and crispy sweet potato fries. I gave H a bone to go chew outside and put a slow cooker full on to make broth. S washed up the pots while watching hockey. I worked on todays blog.

There is starting to be a small lake forming in the east pasture. The snow seems to be melting the most there. We headed out for a hot tub soak after 8:30. The wind had let up a bit but still swirly and the temp down to 0. S was back to hockey and I blog. I shut it down at 9 and went to bed to read and watch some YouTube plant videos.

bright "pink" or "frog" moon out tonight

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