Saturday, April 1, 2023

April Fool's hike

No fog but definitely overcast and dreary. Coffee in order for sure after feeding H. Time to get all my plants watered for the week. I then got busy with quick marketing then on to applying the transfers to the jewelry box top. S slowly made his way to get a coffee then back to bed to do his morning meditation and relax. I clear coated the transfers.

There was a few air bubbles in the bowl. I put on my thinking cap and grabbed a fine needle/syringe and poked glue under and brushed out. GENIUS!!

Sharon arrived after 11 bringing her other horse Zelos to live at the ranch. I helped her unload and get him to the barn paddock. I tossed him food as the others came in check him out. It was totally uneventful. She was off for home after 12.

I had a bowl of cereal before she arrived and s his porridge earlier. I packed him a proteins bar and cracker even though he said not hungry. I loaded H and grabbed B some bison burger and we were ready to go. As I went to reach for my phone I could not find. 2 trips in the house and garage and no where. S called it and I continued to look in all the spots. I realized there was one spot I did not look. The freezer. Sure enough it had fallen in and was cold in short order.

I took my new book to read on the road only to find I forgot my glasses. We stopped in Langdon to gran an iced coffee. We arrived at B's just after 2. S took his book to read but laid down for a nap skipping the hike and was soon asleep. 

at north end of the property, can you see downtown Calgary in the distance?

Our near 2 mile jaunt thru the deep snow and underbrush was quite a work out for us all. We then walked/ snow trudged the fence line of the paddock Roo and Biebs will be in. There is snow in there too. B showed me the barn changes then we went inside leaving the dogs outside. They were quite sad about this as not normal for B's house rules.

B served up hummus, crackers and a juice. S even woke from his nap to join us. B requested her Dad's help with the waterer. She and I had looked earlier and I said the float looks fine. The 2 fellows there suggested that might be the issue but no one had time to help her. Poor H was tuckered and seeing she could not come inside I dried her off a bit and loaded her in the car. S gave the waterer a look but wished he had his tools. We decided to check the breaker to be sure it was on. All looked good so B ran an extension from the house and plugged in the heat trace tape. We left her after 4:30 to clean the bowl and wait to see if water would get thru pipes.

We were back at the ranch after 5:30. Hockey and the couch for S while I fed miss H. I had taken bison ribs out for supper but being hungry now I made a salad and heated the last broccoli cheese soup. Supper was enjoyed by 6. We then headed out for a hot tub. I went and tossed hay for Zelos before getting in. It was beautiful out at about plus 5. It had hit higher in the city as we passed thru. There was melting today here. Nice and slow which is good.

After a shower S hit the couch for hockey. I hit the computer to finish and publish yesterdays blog and work on todays. Both of us did so with a yogurt fruit bowl I made us. Finishing computer work at 8 I went to the garage. I took H out for a quick pee then to her bed. I put a 4th coat of stain oil on the table top. Time to go to bed and read now. S moved to TV room for Oilers game.

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