Saturday, March 25, 2023

Custom project complete

Fogged in again but no wind at least. It was about -7. I fed H, watered my pots (another ranuncula popped thru) then delivered a coffee to the prince in bed. We did our relaxation listen then I had a nice video chat with Deb. S relaxed in bed. I did marketing then moved on to the ancestry details which filled my morning. S let J out then built 3 new pegs for the coat rack seeing 1 snapped off soon after.

The sun popped thru at noon. Another egg bun for me while S made a full fledged BST. I went out and did the graphics on the jewelry box door. S painted the pegs charcoal then back to his hockey game on TV. 

My paint package winner arrived at 1 to get her goody bag. Seeing it was so nice S, H and I went for a walk. Back at the house I scooped some poop in the muddy yard. S took the skidoo for a few loops scaring a HUGE owl from the trees. This most likely is the demise of our sweet Stella :(

I put the jewelry box door back on. It was brought in to stage. S painted the tree pegs another coat of charcoal. He then hit big brown to look for skates then a nap. I worked on marketing getting my month invoice in etc. As S was trying to nap he remembered his Flames played so on went the TV.

While watching he cooked sausage and of course KD. I made coleslaw dressing and salad. After supper I was back to computer work and S had many more hockey games to watch. 15 games today. The Flames did win though. I put the dining table on sale and posted more photos in hopes of selling it ASAP. I headed to bed to finish the You season then read Spare. S was up after sports was over to read a bit as well.

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