Friday, January 27, 2023

Snow, Ice and a concert

 Another late to sleep night and a wakeup call at 5:55 from miss H. There was a covering of snow on the ground so it was a quick trip in and out. This am I put on the kettle for tea and fed H but joined S for a coffee with "creamer" for us both. I followed it up with a tea and he used hot water for porridge too. It was overcast  with a short lived snow squall blowing thru around 10.

Marketing was up next for me then helping S shave his back. He jumped in the shower and I dressed as a fellow was dropping a table off soon. Earlier when feeding H I removed the clamps on the table leaf, lightly sanded and touched up the filler with stain. The fellow arrived at 11 to deliver the table but could not get in our gate. After multiple attempts S took H along in the merc and ran to the gate. He was able to open it and the fellow get to the house. S followed him back after unloaded with his truck to try and repair all the mouse damage to all the wires. Many were chewed right thru!! This did not make for a happy S!

The snow started up again softly falling with temps dropping to -4 now. I added a 3rd coat of clear after the table was delivered. S worked at the gate cleaning out mouse excrement after killing e and chasing others away. He returned for a grilled cheese an eggs in pepper rings I had ready for him at one, read more on troubleshooting and headed back. This power outage has changed our whole days plans but better today then this w/e during a polar vortex deep freeze. While he worked on the gate troubleshooting I packed up snacks and my bag then got dressed to go. He was back grabbing his bag and a few beverages in the cooler and we set off for the city before 3.

The roads were awful heading in, like a sheet of curling ice, drifting snow and falling snow. S drove carefully getting us safely to the hotel before 4. We checked in to our premier king room. Note to self no need for the upgrade in future as very little time was spent in the room. We did enjoy a cold beverage after the stormy drive in then headed down to meet Joeleen, Todd, Jarrod and Carolyn. We visited then ate at the buffet for prime rib which had loads of options and pretty good but pricey at $32.99/pp.

Then we all headed to the event center for the Streetheart concert where Gary and Patty met us there. After the concert we went back to the casino to enjoy a live band, visiting and some gambled. As people headed off to bed at different times I left S and Jarrod at the poker table after 2:30 am both with stacks of chips. S was up knocking on the door after losing his key and all his chips at 3. It was hard to fall asleep with the evenings energy but eventually we both fell asleep.

4 song videos

the motley crew

center guy is the lead singer, these girls wanted their picture with him but he said time to go

And here is their reaction :)

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