Thursday, January 19, 2023

Garage organizing continues

It was -11 upon waking but windy. The wind started in the night and sadly I felt a headache starting that was there when I woke ;( I had a coffee then remembered we were going to try dry January for the rest of the month, ok it starts after 1 coffee. After the usual start then I went out to garage to sort things, arrange and clean while S cancelled his bison kill for next week and perused the internet. I had a lady stop for one of the free mirrors too. Before lunch I added a 3rd coat of natural stain oil to the dining table then came in to enjoy a bacon tomato sandwich S had made.

He then was off for shinny at 1 and I back to the garage to unbox my paint parcel, rebox the extras, move a shelf into the space where the new freezer was to go and reorganize the corner yet again. I sold the 2 large bombe chests this am after a flood of buyers messaging so moved them to in front of the garage door. They will be picked up Saturday and the other 2 mirrors tomorrow. It is looking more spacious all the time.

I did a wee bit of sanding on the side table but quit not wanting to make any dust in the stain. Seeing it was now -2 I took H for a walk in the sunshine then fed the horses for B. Inside I caught up todays blog and then wrote a detail post for the desk to get it posted for sale.

H proudly carrying around her bone as I fed horses after our walk

the south end looks odd with what looks like framing studs lines

S was back at 4 as I was getting more details for a gal interested in the cabinet. He had a nap in big brown as I continued marketing and working on tutorials.

I cooked us up supper finishing before my 6 pm Magnificence of Money zoom master class. For the next 2 hours I learned stuff I never connected to money. Allot is learned long before we even thought about it and passed down thru genetics! S watched hockey, put away cats and relaxed with his massager. After the class ended I made us our yogurt bowl and posted the desk/vanity on a bunch of sale sites, fingers crossed. Time to crawl into bed and read. I almost finished my book but not quite. S came in to read but soon was asleep, his book is slow going at this rate :)

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