Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Full on sunshine

We awoke to full on sunshine and LOADS of hoar frost everywhere which made for a very pretty view. I even went out in my housecoat after feeding H to snap a few pics.

rime ice is very cool

Coffee was had with S adding cereal and after an internet peruse he headed out to let cats out when B and Coop arrived around 11. She showed her house today to the prospective renters and after feeding was off again to the "new" place. She had a detour thru Calgary though till after 1. I got busy hand scraping the table edges after S helped me flip it over again. I have decided after all the top and pedestal sanding and not liking the white stain I will scrape the edges and stain the entire thing walnut.

S was now on to trying to figure how to sell the bison burger after their planned butcher next week. I made scrambled eggs to go with the homemade pork and beans from the gal for lunch. When he went to let cats out in late morning he took these pics.

the willow tree is HEAVY, he shook it off

S was off to town for shinny at 1 with a few other stops after for me including dropping off/ picking up library books, picking up my paint parcel and grabbing a few groceries. I was back out working on the dining table. After so much more scraping and sore fingers I took the dogs for a walk in the super sunny day. They enjoyed it of course as did I then it was back to work.

the original flocked Christmas trees ;)

I wiped all the dust off, did last minute scrapes and sands then started the natural oil stain finish. I forgot how much I love this product.

see natural stain goes dark compared to sanded in background

S was back at 4:30 unloaded groceries, my parcel and his hockey bag then he was onto his bison burger order task. I finished up before 5 fed the dogs and came in to make mushroom noodle goulash for supper. I popped out for touch ups on the dining table before we ate.

After supper I had S help me flip the top back over carefully and I stained the top and he worked on his list while watching hockey. I finished up the top and was back in just before 8 to add to the blog. S put cats away with soft food and water as B stopped to pick up Cooper before 8:30. We went out for a hot tub soak. After a shower, I made us yogurt bowls and read my book in bed. S finished up watching his hockey game then came in to read but soon was sleeping.

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