Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter solstice

Today started with -31 and a wind chill of over -40!! but the sun was back at least. This cold snap is ruthless. It was the usual start with coffee made, animals fed and medicated and marketing and tutorial writing for me and computer perusing for S. S then spent over an hour on the phone with the butcher getting details for each animals cuts then back to his laptop. I worked on deleting photos off my new phone and computer work. Happy birthday Mom!

Trying to clean out the fridge for the big weekend we had leftovers for lunch. I made a macaroni salad and started bagging up all the gifts and getting my lists all sorted. B was out to feed horses having today off this week. She also hauled them a small square bale in front of the shelter as much of rest is buried under snow. She was then off to the city leaving Cooper for the afternoon.

S gave H a bath then vacuumed the main floor and mopped it after H left tracks from garage to kennel. He then attempted to read his library book on the couch but was soon asleep. I continued tutorial writing while the dogs paced hoping for supper. I did take them out and fed them much to their happiness as S was now awake and reading at 4:30. I continued the tidy up throughout the day of areas restocking TP and partially cleaning out the fridge. Towels and dog bedding laundry were done to keep the clean theme going. Pets were happily fed supper.

For our supper I mixed up a sesame wonton salad bag, added more dressing to my macaroni salad, fried up gyoza and salmon. YUM YUM! After supper S was back to reading his book on the couch this time staying awake with one eye on the hockey game. I washed up pots then back to my computer work.

I was working on my tutorials when B arrived at 8 to pick up Cooper. H got her evening meds, her cheek is looking much better. I finished up 2 tutorials by 9; time for a yogurt bowl and book reading in bed for me. S watched hockey till bedtime. I shut off the light at midnight falling asleep to the sound of the bitter winds on this winter solstice night.

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