Monday, November 21, 2022

Primer Monday

It was a nice relaxing start after a 10 hour relax/sleep. H did scratch at 6 but only once then quiet. After 8 I went and fed her and made coffee. The prince got up a bit later to enjoy a cup with me then filled a go mug and was off for his 9:30 lab appointment. I did my marketing then it was time to get some painted pot projects on the go. I had the 3 pots I washed up last week after replanting that I primed then grabbed a tin can and primed it too. Two coats were applied to all.

If you have extra chopsticks I can use them.

For lunch I made my fav spinach fruit salad with a side of chicken wings for us. The usual news was not on due to the FIFA, booo. After lunch S chatted with Craig while I wrote a tutorial for the 2 growth rulers from awhile back.

I scrubbed up a green pot I forgot earlier then put the first coat on and seeing it is PLUS 4 headed out to feed the horses. This led to me trimming Switch's feet while they ate. It was sooo nice out. S trouble shot the Christmas lights and had worse trouble now having another entire string go out.

Back inside I put the 2nd coat on the can and green pot. S decided to take the skidoo for a rip seeing it was so nice out. I published the growth ruler tutorial then had to send to sponsors, post on sites etc. He was back and cozy in big brown doing online research. He did help me nail the hanger on the door cabinet I brought in. I snapped a few photos but the sun was gone behind clouds so not the best lighting. 

A chicken was put in to roast for supper and worked on another tutorial, this one for the green jewelry box. Potatoes were mashed, broccoli roasted and gravy made for a delicious supper. I was back to working on computer work after washing up pots and pans and S to his laptop as well as watching the Flames score on his phone since not on TV. B and Cooper stopped out for his bathroom duties and gone after 10 minutes. We wrapped up the evening both reading in bed then listening to some sleep meditations.

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