Monday, November 7, 2022

Dining table sold

Crazy, H wanted out again at 2:50 am then thought I heard again hour later but she was laying down. It was -17 and lightly snowing upon waking with a higher wind chill, brrr. I got the coffee going and computer work underway. This new computer is awfully slow and very low end so it is going back. I have to be sure everything is up to date on my old one now. A quick shower after my coffee as S perused his laptop for news.

the start of movember

After posting the blog for today I was very happy to see the email subscription was back working. YEAH!! I am not sure what I did but glad it is back running. S went out to toss the horses small squares. I sent H out with him but she was back in short order not a fan of the weather. Mr J came into the garage as well. I planted a stem of a succulent in hopes of it growing. Then it was getting the bones out of the broth in the slow cooker, put in containers and get another batch going.

Lunch was leftover lasagna.. yep still have 1 more feed :) S added a stuffed pepper compliments of Ma K to his plate too. I finished resetting the computer and boxed up to return. S perused spa supplies then had a nap in big brown. I had a gal stop to see the light dining table on her way to town at 3. She loves it and is sending $$ and will pick up by their Nov 25 moving date, That works for me! The snow continued lightly all day. S shoveled the steps and entry when he went to toss hay and it is all covered in already.

I worked on writing another tutorial while S nap a short nap and perused his laptop. Seeing the horses were at the shelter with the hay I went out and gave Pep his pill and some beet pulp then ran back to get more beet pulp for him and Bird. They sure eat faster when the other horses are trying to get their food. H came out with me too with a short game of chase to get her to drop a frozen road apple. The snow is really accumulating now.

Inside I made guacamole for us, S chopped onion and tomato into his bowl. For supper he cut bison liver which I got cooking in a hot pan along with KD of course. After 7 S bundled up to go lock up shop and feed cats some soft food then shovel the front entry once again. I sent H out but she does not stay out with him silly girl. I worked on blog and tutorials while S watched some hockey once back in.

Seeing it was not the Flames game televised I convinced S to watch a couple more HOTD episodes. We finished after 11 with just the season finale left.

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