Saturday, November 5, 2022

Another snow storm

 H wanted out at 5:30 but instantly wanted back in as the wind was blowing and very blustery so I had to shoo her off the deck to pee. I had troubles falling back asleep but may have briefly only to have her want out again at 6:50 only to know finding it snowing as well. Again, she changed her mind and again I had to go out and shoo her off the deck do quicky do #2 and back into the kennel. S was up an hour later so I shared the nights events before we went back to sleep til after 8:30 as the snow continued to blow. The good side was only -2 thru this snow storm. Time for coffee!

I got busy marketing and computer work while S perused his online news moving from the bed to big brown eventually. He did help me haul in the black cabinet. Of course in different light you see areas where touchups are needed so I did those and staged some photos. The wind continued to howl with no more new snow but the snow returned as we started to cook up lunch.

I staged a couple ways but not sure

I also whipped up a batch of the chocolate zucchini muffins and sauteed some for lunch using the last of the fresh ones all up. After lunch S hit big brown and I chopped up another 5 # chub of raw food for H then added fresh salmon to the containers and put in garage fridge. S went out before 2 to put skid steer away but first plowed the yard a bit more and watered the cats. I added black wax to the inside shelves on the cabinet.

I did not realize the style was art deco but it just so happens the paper I put in the drawer was called art deco birds, perfect right?

Once he was back in, he had a couple muffins and decided to go for a hot tub claiming it was calm on that side of the house, ok buddy go ahead.

B text saying their flight had been delayed twice already and would probably not make it home by dark to feed so I bundled up and took the dogs with me. I mixed up the beet pulp with sunflower seeds and gave all of them some to eat as I put on Bird and Pepper's winter blankets after retrieving them from the barn. It turned to a white out after I came in.

S tried the blower to remove snow off steps

I did a poll on adding the original fretwork back in the cabinet and hands down it was a yes and many liked the natural wood color. Of course it looks better in photos so I went out to clean it up and sand the edges then stain it with the same black. 

Good day to find a new series to watch. We finally started House of Dragon thanks to Nathan sharing his subscription!! XOXO We started watching at the island where S made a plate of appetizers for himself to go with a tasty rum. He tried rum and orange juice for a tropical drink! We then had lasagna while S watched the world series out of one eye then moved to the bed on the TV to get comfy. Once the first episode was over it was back to the ball game and the Flames game at 8 for S while I started season 4 of The Handmaids Tale on my ipad. (Again thanks Nathan!)

Britt arrived to pick up Cooper just before midnight. This was 9 hours after the scheduled arrival due to a couple delays then a WestJet system outage. It made for a long day at the Seattle airport for sure and quite the welcome home for weather as the snow and winds continue to blow. We finished up our viewing and lights off. Tonight the clock turns back for an extra hour of sleep, but will it happen? :)

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