Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2 new jewelry boxes underway

I do love seeing the sunrise and being such short days it is way easier to see this pretty sight. I watched from my bed while sipping on a coffee and playing some brain games while S snoozed and H waited in the garage for her breakfast. It is a brisk -19 out but sunny. I delivered him a hot cup after feeding her then  S moved to big brown with his laptop for daily news peruse. I did some marketing and out to get working on my paint projects. The valet was lightly sanded and another coat applied.

The jewelry box had a fun sunset color blend brushed on.

I finished the valet distressing again, adding pulls back on, new felt feet and such then brought in to stage.

We finished up leftovers for lunch then cleaned H's face. Seeing the horses were still in and it was sunny I bundled up and H and I went and fed the horses. Poor Switch may have slipped as walking lame. The entire ground has a bumpy layer of ice from the last few days of crazy melting then blowing freezing weather, poor horses. It was brisk even at -15 no wind now.

Back inside I got busy writing an ad for the valet on my Etsy shop. S loaded up his hockey bag and was off to town after 1 for shinny at 2:30 but going to get vehicle registration done before hand. I worked on tutorial photo loading then was back out to work on the jewelry box. This clay blending is tricky so after a 2nd coat I left it be and will have to do a third.

I pulled out another new jewelry box to work on. I decided color after thinking I would do all the glass in a mercury look and chose a favorite teal blue. Getting all the glass out was tricky but I did along with the lining. Everything was vacuumed, lightly sanded and spray cleaned before the first coat of paint went on.

I fed H and sent out, finished up and came in to update my spreadsheet which tracks every projects details. S got home just as I was doing so at 4:45 with hot pizza for supper. He has been craving for months now so when I asked what he wanted for supper that was the answer which worked out ok seeing he had late hockey.

Pizza and beer with the news as I did some accounting. Hockey was S evening entertainment. I snapped off 2 knobs on the jewelry box when taking apart and thought they would be easy fix. I went out and tried heating a metal pin to poke in but it was not plastic so tried drilling but it would not go. There is always a solution so decided to order some pulls online that would cover the hole. B stopped out for Cooper to poop, she brought a new feed tub for Bird and scrubbed Pepper's then they were off.

After my computer work I went to bed to watch Mcleod's Daughters. After the Flames win S went for a hot tub at 10:30 and said with no wind the -20 was not that bad getting in and out. I will hold out for -10 max :)

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