Thursday, October 27, 2022

Stairs and shoe rack complete

I awoke thinking how dark it seems at 8:30 as the days get shorter and remembered time changes soon. Looking it up I found next w/e it changes back an hour. I moved the shoe rack into place and put shoes back on as H ate her breakfast. Laundry day was started, I threw a bison roast in the slow cooker then it was then coffee time and computer work listening along to the Healing Journey 2 zoom class S was watching on his phone while checking auction items on his laptop.

When it ended at 11:30 I headed out to check the horses' feet for B. It was blustery and the intensity increased once I got back in the house. What an ugly dreary windy day. Lunch was leftovers for S as I had a bowl of cereal around 11.

We headed to town after 1 stopping at Canadian Tire to get a new hockey stick and puck for S. It was then off to the arena where he hoped to play shinny at 1:30 but found the players were all in full equipment. This was not what he was hoping for, so we left. A few vases were picked up then we went to visit Dad. We found him napping in the TV room and after getting him awake for a short bit to say hi he was back asleep, so we left him to catch up on his sleep. Cooper was picked up next. A quick stop at the pawn shop did not find any used hockey sticks. S picked up a signed tenant contract from the rental condo then I grabbed a few groceries as the last of the errands.

Heading back to the ranch we grabbed the mail that is nearly nonexistent these days. We were back home before 3 unloading the few groceries and new stick. I made a sandwich and cup of tea to have while doing computer work, S perused the net. I chopped veggies and threw in slow cooker too.

The wind let up quite a bit and the sun came out, so we headed out for a soak in the hot tub after 4:30. It was beautiful out! After our shower S sliced the roast and we ate as the wind picked up again. Great timing for our tub indeed. After cleanup I did computer work catching up the blog again. B arrived at 7:30 fed quickly and took Cooper home. It was then we realized the cats were never let out all day but it was a yucky day so sure they were ok missing it. 

S and I crawled into bed with our usual yogurt bowl and finished the Watcher series not loving the ending. We then got back into season 6 of Animal Kingdom and watched up until we found an episode did not record on the PVR. Luckily Nathan has the season on his Apple account and will let us watch it on there another day. S went to sleep and I watched some more High series.

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