Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Our dining table gets a makeover

Restless sleep for both S and I, he took a sleep aid after 2 but I drifted off and on till waking before 8. I put the coffee on, S let out the cats bringing Stella back to the garage with him. He enjoyed his coffees while surfing the net and after mine with marketing I went out to garage. Time to lightly sand the table top and wipe on the first coat of walnut stain.

S made grilled tuna cheese melts for lunch, YUMMY! Then we along with Harley ran to town after 1; first stop was to pick up the 3 tires dropped off yesterday. Then I ran into Walmart for some items while the 2 sat in the sun then we picked up a dining table and 4 press back chairs. The last stop was to grab my favorite gin and head home. Crazy gas is up to $1.729 today and was $1.619 two days ago after jumping to that from $1.35 ish.

Back at the ranch we unloaded the table hauling out folding doors to be picked up tomorrow then S was off to put the tires on. I hauled 2 more sets of doors down from the mez then was off to the garage to put a second coat of gel stain on the tabletop. Straight grain is easy with gel stain, inset angles are not and took a long time to get looking right as every mark shows but it gets tacky or wipes off.

S was relaxing watching the Jay double header in big brown. After supper the horses continued to pick at the bales along the road. The buyers have yet to pick up so I jumped in the ranger and went and chased them back in the winter pasture with Harley's help. It was a challenge but finally they got the direction I wanted them to go and locked them back in.

S went out for a hot tub alone as it was stinky and windy out and brisk so I just showered inside. B was out at her usual time, fed and put boys away as I put Stella in the garage. She was off for home in short order as dark now by 7:30. We crawled into bed and finished the Dahmer series then I finished For Love and started a few new seasons but never found anything good.

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