Sunday, October 9, 2022

60 years together as well as many birthdays/Engagment/Thanksgiving celebration

 Today is a big celebration day with many mile markers in October; 

  • 2 - Kaylin bday turning 31
  • 4 - Papa bday turning 85
  • 6 - Grama & Papa married 60 years
  • 10 - Thanksgiving
  • 11 - Dave bday turning 33
  • 18 - Darren & Annette married 25 years
  • 21 - Brendan bday turning 24
  • 28 - Grama bday turning 80
Kaylin and Nathan's engagement was also celebrated and Colleen and Eltons 50th anniversary both from September. Also in October on the Walker side is Debby & Chuck 29 years on the 11th, Jamie & Quinn 20 years on 12th and Mom and Dad's 56th anniversary on the 22. That is allot of celebrations!

We had coffee and some breakfast, H was walked a few times on high alert for deer and rabbits. The girls, pups and Nathan then Britt and Dave arrived for brunch and to get ready. 

We kenneled the dogs, loaded up Papa's car with food and drinks then we walked over with flowers. Candace arrived and soon after her boys too all. The amenities room was lovely and the perfect layout for the event with game tables, TV area and big kitchen. The girls and guys got card games going after setting out appetizers they brought as food was prepped and beverages made.

Darren's family arrived just before the 3:30 photographer booking. For the next hour there were various pictures taken. Here are some behind the scenes and of course we had to recreate the pyramid from 8 years ago. 

The last group pictures were taken then our family all ran back to Grama and Papa's and got the dogs for some fun pics.

Back to the venue it was time to eat, Gooch carved a turkey that went along with ham, cabbage rolls and soooo much more. There were loads of desserts and appetizers too.

After everyone was stuffed the celebrations were acknowledged with photos and cheers.

All the girls and plus ones and pups were off for home after 7. The rest visited and watched sports before Darren's and Candace's boys left once ball game was over at 8. There was a few friends stop for a visit later but by 10 we had it all cleaned up and hauled out. Once unloaded at the house we loaded up our stuff and Harley and set off for home. The girls had to take a Hussar detour but we passed the event before midnight able to stay on #1. We got home unloaded, put Stella back in and hit the sheets. What an eventful day, cheers to all!

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