Monday, October 17, 2022

25 degrees out

Why do I have an internal 7 am wakeup time? I laid there will 8 am sunset then played brain games. Once S made coffee, we had one in bed before I fed H and got busy marketing. There is interest in the natural dining table and French dresser who also wants her dining set painted but would like me to store till January once I did it, LOL no way.

I headed out in the beauty day and took off the girls boots and let them all out into the winter pasture. The weather continues to be incredible. I got back to writing yesterday's long blog post and answering the dining table ladies' multiple questions. It sounds like a confirmed sale but will see. S who spent the am online and chatting with an investment advisor unhooked the trailer after he grilled a cheese sandwich for lunch.

Time to prime the vanity after sanding the surfaces and taking off the back pieces. S went out and watered the planters before we loaded up H and headed to town after 2. S dropped me at Dad's where Amanda met me to take Dad out for a sit in the 25-degree sunshine; 25!! And it is October 17th. We were wheeling him back in when Sheldon arrived back from picking up an antique cabinet and rocking chair his buddy Gary offered me. Dad decided to get out of the rocking chair and with Amanda and I on each side (S pushed the chair back) walked up to his floor, to his room and back to the dining room. We met Peggy coming towards us to help Dad with supper.

Cooper was picked up next and I checked on Gully who was sleeping under the couch's blanket edge until I surprised him. The dogs and I waited in the truck while S ran in for a few groceries and I had a call with the dining table lady who is planning to come Wednesday from Leduc. We grabbed an iced coffee and were back to the ranch by 5 where I fed the dogs and S brought in the groceries and started cooking the burger. I came in and chopped zucchini and S chopped fresh mushrooms to complete the one pan skillet meal.

S worked on a work letter in response to termination of his short term disability as of today and I the blog posts but at 7 I headed out as the sun was setting to take the lazy dogs and of course the cats for a walk. It was crazy to find poop on a post and rail, WTH!!! 

Enjoy the above video of our walk

I had to walk back for Jay who was lagging behind as Britt raced up the driveway. I grabbed a can of soft food and put cats away as B fed horses. She then caught B and R and took in to trim and groom while S and I unloaded the 2 furniture pieces. He went back in to work on his letter and I caught Switch and took her in to the barn. She too had a good scrub and her toes filed smooth then all were let out.

B headed home with Coop and H and I came in to finish my computer work. S finished his work letter and sent it off. After a hot tub we started a new series recommended by Britt called Wild Croc Territory with a yogurt bowl. Wow it is like another Steve Irwin fellow and we ended up watching 3 episodes before S fell asleep. I switched to a few others I had started including Human Playground watching till after 1 am.

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