Friday, September 23, 2022

Lots of projects on the go

No horses to let out today as they all get to be together. H was fed and we enjoyed a cup of coffee in bed with a facetime from Shaina who was hiking in UK in a beautiful lake area. Great way to start the day <3. The month has past fast as she will be home Monday.

After the call I moved on to marketing and S researching a SXS trip down Coaldale way. In the end thought the 5+ hours driving there and back alone had the trip postponed till later in the healing journey but does sound like lots of trails and options. In the garage I pushed glue into the bubbling drawer front veneer and clamped in hopes of flattening a bit.

S went out to pump the last of the diesel out of the tank seeing gas goes up tomorrow then remembered that doesn't affect farm fuel. I was working on the blog when Kaylin arrived with the pups. We walked for a bit then B and Coop arrived. Lexi needed an anti-itch shot from nurse B. A short visit ensued before K and the pups were off back to the city for another appointment at noon.

the other 3 played in the usual chaotic games

I grilled us up some chicken and cheese melts on the homemade bread for lunch with B joining us. After lunch she was off to ride Roo, me to sand the dining table top I hauled back out and S to nap on the couch.

the table was very sticky to slide so added some "grease"

the wood chipper hard at work

After her ride B helped me carry the tabletop back in then fed and headed home at 2:30. Once S was awake, he went out to mow the longer parts of the grass and put mowers away for the season. I hand sanded the dresser, filled chips in the veneer and glued more lifted veneer areas.

The sun went behind clouds midafternoon. S was back in to get in another nap after mowing. I browned up some bison short ribs and put in the oven, picked a basket of apple as and made 2 fresh pies then bottled and brewed a batch of kombucha.

The sun was back out but the winds picked up. Burying compost and feeding the horses the cores led to pulling the yellow zucchini plants and more spent flowers. S got the skid steer after his nap and we put the big stack of vines in the bucket and he drove them to the pit them back for a load of all my garden plants. He then loaded the SXS on the trailer that he hooked to the truck as I trimmed the thunder hill apple tree and cut off all tree shoots popping up around the yard.

Back inside I cooked up the fresh potatoes I dug from the garden and chopped the tiny yellow zucchini I picked off before tossing the plants. Supper was delicious. I vacuumed and washed the floor while S washed the pots up.

After supper S ran to get the mail as it has been weeks since we got it and I was back working on the dresser clear coating it to prevent bleed thru after sanding wood filler and wiping. Once back he put the boys in the barn and Stella followed him back to the garage then he was in to watch baseball.

this is the veneer flat and dry from this am

the primer is clear.. but goes on white to help with coverage

I finished up the dresser around 8:30 and came in to try the Dutch apple pie: yummy def will make that again. Blue jays lost so S joined me for a hot tub. After a quick rinse he read emails and I watched more Designing Miami. The winds continued to howl, hope they are gone by morning.

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