Sunday, September 25, 2022

Horse ride and trims

I had another restless sleep and when I looked out around 12:45 as the coyotes were howling I saw a deer chowing down in the apple tree. I could not get a really clear picture so crept out on the deck to get one but he took off: a big buck. I took a sleep aid and crawled back in to bed. S was up and made coffee after 7 delivering one in bed to me, thanks. He drank his cup and made a lunch then unloaded the ranger and unhooked the trailer. He was off for his hand gun course in Cheadle.

I had gone and fed H and J who had spent a quiet night in the garage (well H did scratch to come in once at midnight) J is only happy in the garage if he has a buddy. Marketing was up next while I uploaded a passle of photos from yesterday.

Laundry got going then it was on to writing a tutorial to post for the gold stenciled chair that has yet to sell. This then has to be sent and posted in all the required spots. I decided to head out and take some stuff to the trailer and was VERY happy to see Stella come running to the door (with Gully close behind). YEAH!! I am not sure how this cat triangle will play out; it has its challenges and stresses for me and her only I think.

3 horses racing video

I ran the wagon full of apple branches to the pit and let the horses out to roam the hay field in the full-on sunshine. What a beauty day even at only 12 out. I put stuff in the trailer, emptied and scrubbed up the cooler from yesterday, watered my planters and last 2 zucchini plants, put the sprinkler on "Britt" tree then Harley got a good bath. Her bed was vacuumed, and her bedding washed and changed.

Pepper makes his way to the herd

I had a yogurt bowl lunch while writing the blog and keeping the laundry going. The day is just so lovely with zero wind or clouds and now up to 19 degrees. Makes me want to be camping right now but Sheldon's gun course is running over time. I was finishing up watering all indoor plants when B arrived just before 2:30 with S right behind her. He heated up a big dish of ribs and veggies having ate all his lunch and still hungry. Dave arrived not long after having his first Sunday off racing in Lacombe in a long time. He visited for a bit before heading out to help Britt who was trimming Beibs feet.

S and I headed out, S helped Dave hook up the dump trailer then jumped in the tractor. These two headed off to the neighbors to load 5 more of the bales Dave had there. Britt and I caught horses, tacked up and set off for our ride in the amazing weather right behind them. She and I and the dogs of course looped our pasture then went thru the winery and back where I went out mid pasture to retrieve the orange ball the coyotes stole again. Back at the barn we just were untacking as S pulled in from loading bales with one on the tractor.

B and I trimmed Switch and Roo's feet which caused allot of sweating. S sat on the chair perusing his phone for campgrounds with hiking but he did drive ranger to house to get us a cold drink. B fed the other 2 and Roo then all were put back in the paddocks. It was now after 5 so I fed H and moved my sprinkler to another batch of shrubs. B trimmed Bird before she headed home. I packed up clothes and took to the trailer then S moved it to in front of the house for me to load fridge items.

I cooked supper along with some hard-boiled eggs to take along camping. Seems hockey has started so S was happy to flip between ball, hockey and the news. I continued to load items in the trailer... this may bite me in the butt when I have to unload in a few days. The sunset was yet another amazing one. Dave was back to load the bale S brought back after getting another load at 8.

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