Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sheldon's surgery day

Sleep was very limited for us both with me waking just before alarm went off at 4:55 am. We were dressed and out the door in short order. It is crazy to see how many cars are traveling on our secondary roads at this time of day and so many more in the city. We arrived at the hospital early at 5:48 am. S set off to admitting and I headed back home grabbing a tea in Langdon and back at the ranch after 6:30. I watched some more Making the Cut before heading out to give Switch her meds. Happy 37th to Amanda Jean today!!

There was bits of rain on the way in and out but not loads but as I went out to give Switch meds it started to really rain; finally. H was fed and the cats some raw too. It was then time to get working on the blog, marketing etc while watching more episodes. When I grabbed the tile to sand and get painting I found the wood filler did not work to create the raised look so all was sanded down. A different paint/texture mix was made but as it dried it curled and lifted too ;( The rain let up and went to the occasional spit but did bring 2/10ths.

Dr Metcalfe called at 10:22 to say the surgery went very well and S was in recovery, yay!! I let all family members know and the few privy friends. The bed linens were changed and the duvet washed too. Then I was back to the tile trying the first coat of paint hoping to stop the curling. More laundry and cleaning, feeding cats in the mez after J complained even more. 

The serving tray was cleaned again ready to work on once dry. I loaded the antique coffee table and Costco/Winners returns and was on my way back to the city at 1:30. I had called the floor S will stay on 3 times (8/12/1) and still no bed ready for him but should be soon. My first stop was world of Spas to get our wifi controller and meet the table buyer at 2. The exchange was made and I was off to hospital passing a Winners for those returns on my way.

I arrived back at the hospital, found my way to 8th floor after attempting to be screened and pay parking but did neither. He was still not there when I arrived so had to wait in waiting room for him to be rolled by then wait 10 min till bed came back out to be sure he was settles in the room. Unfortunately he is in the room with another guy who had 3 or 4 people stuffed behind his curtain and VERY loud. Fortunately Sheldon's bed was by the window. He was very green and feeling nauseous after the twisty back and forth ride up to his room from recovery floor. They gave him some anti nausea to help. He was also tired, hot and not loving the loud neighbors and paging system by his ear. He did chow down one of the chocolate muffins I brought him then was dozy so I left him to rest with his ear plugs in at 4. 

Next stop was Costco when I realized I forgot my card seeing I left my purse. Luckily they gave me a temporary card but can only charge $200 on tap. I did my returns then shopping and de dammed if I didn't total $200.36 for the stuff I for sure wanted and they let me charge rest on another bill for $78. I also grabbed their chicken and fries with a sundae to eat on the drive home. I was STUFFED by Langdon.

Our neighbor had text he had the weekly box of food for H earlier so I grabbed the mail seeing down that way then stopped to pick up. HOLY COW, the LOOP food program he belongs to gives approx 70 boxes of produce, breads, meats etc per week to each member and it is free. It is really crazy what these big food chains throw out. I was back to the ranch before 7; 12 hours since the last time I was back from the city. First was to feed H some of the raw meat from next door and the cats too then unload all my groceries and new plants. 

After a short power outage I also checked online only to hear a huge crash in garage then see an orange cat with green/yellow something on his body race by along the sidewalk with H following behind. I went out and looked in garage and found the large window fly paper pulled down and a big bag of packing peanuts everywhere. I found J fine after cleaning up the mess.

B was out shortly after to feed, walk Roo and spend time with her, kindly dose Switch then we chatted on the deck after she chased a coyote with the quad from near the yard. She also put the cats away before she left after 9 which also found the fly trap victim; Gulliver.

To get the Etsy tile done in time I also went and primed a new tile board to stencil later. At the same time I primed the tray bottom as super smooth and glossy. A couple calls with S who was now much more coherent after his nap, walk and sponge bath. I finished up todays blog while watching Making the Cut then wrapped it up at 10 to hit the clean sheets. It has been a very long day, a very blessed day.

I was pleased to get another kind review on Etsy

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