Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Heat wave continues

The heat wave continues with another early start for me at 7:30. I perused Insta till after 8 then did the usual feed the dogs and one cat. I made coffee and delivered the prince his in bed. The rain storm day blog went live and I sorted photos then went to let horses out and give cats dry food in mez. The heat continued to warm up. S started watering trees again in hopes of getting them all a drink.

Gulliver wants to learn to paint :)

The stool had the tape removed and reused and had the last color applied: black. Touchups and the top screwed back in place. Tomorrow I will add another coat of sealer and it is complete. 

The 4 frames had a raised pattern applied next. Garage laundry and floor sweeping were done after a quick leftover lunch then I ran to town at 1:30. I had loads of clothes and another box of Kaylin's stuff to drop at thrift store then I was off to pick up a free dresser then on to B's to water her outdoor and indoor plants and grass. I stopped at Walmart to check for trees and cat food on sale then to Rona but only they only had 3 maple trees left.

A stop at Paetz's found AJ making fresh chocolate zucchini muffins. I delivered her birthday present early as will be busy that day and was lucky enough to get a hot muffin and ice cream while we visited. I headed home to feed dogs by 4:30 and the car said 34 degrees, she is a hot one. These weeks of hot temps continue.

this kid lol

going to try these delicious treats

Sheldon seems to have kept himself busy putzing in the shop and shooting his gun, he was cruising around on the ranger after I was home. I added colors to the frames then clear coated the stool. We loaded back up and back to town for supper using a gift card S won last year at volunteer dinner. After we stopped back over at Paetz's to pick up meat scraps for Harley then jetted home.

the free dresser

I had made the horse food earlier so drew up the last doses of Adequan then fed and gave to Bird and Pepper forcing the dogs to go outside after there day in the A/C. I sorted the horses leaving the others in middle paddock as again the horses rubbed on the snow fence over night so will stop using that paddock. S was back to his tree watering and chatting on the phone. After sanding the frames they were clear coated and the stool had another coat. I called it a work day at 9 and headed in to finish the blog. I had a hot tub with S jumping in after his phone call as I was getting out. Now for a shower and hit the hay with my iPad.

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