Sunday, August 21, 2022

Bit of rain finally

My day did not start out very good today. Wwhen giving Switch her meds I went to shoo off Roo and hit the syringe end on Switch's shoulder releasing the plunger and spilling out all 14 pills!! Then the tip plugged as the residue clogged after putting a new does in requiring multiple trips back to the garage to try and liquidize the full syringe. After getting a good as I could it was on to feeding dogs and 1 cat then in to grab a coffee S was making. Mom called for a 2 hour catchup on Dad's care and Oyen events. S relaxed in big brown with coffee, his phone and a ball game on the TV.

I pruned the lower portion of Figgy to get a more tree like look, success. S and I had brunch before I jumped in the shower, got laundry going and S went out to weed eat some Canada thistle on the neighbors side as they do not bother to.

For the afternoon we played crib with the ball games on in the background and enjoyed a quiet day. Laundry was done catching us up on clean summer wear. I fed the dogs and brought in food from the trailer while S watered the garden. We were then off to Langdon to meet the Rumel's from Texas where Shaina and I stayed in 2010 and daughter Tessa stayed with us a few summers later. There were other couples from polocrosse there as well but we fit in a good 2 1/2 hour visit before heading back home. 

It started to sprinkle when we left and continued thru supper and on way home but was less once back at the ranch of course. S helped me feed the horses watching Bird and Pep while I fed the girls making sure Switch got her pills she likes to filter out. I then took over Beibs guard before we came in. We started the movie Uncharted but shut off with an hour left as both tired.

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