Sunday, July 10, 2022

The hay comes down

After a coffee catch up everyone was off. Deb started laundry then she and Chuck to town, Sheldon unhooked travel trailer and hooked up horse trailer then he and Chad went out to start swathing. Britt who arrived earlier was tacked up and rode Roo while I bounced between things to snap pictures and do cryptic blog posts to fill in later.

I took S and Chad bison buns and beer for lunch on the swather. Schmitt's were back from town at 12:30 with Chuck getting a sandwich too.

We said our goodbyes, loaded up Roo and hauled her to the ag grounds for a massage, the princess has had a hard training month :) Vegas gang finished packing up, had a beer and bean dip in the A/C then Schmitt's drove them to the airport.

The truck threw the water in fuel code again on way in so S drained once are the ag grounds. I got the tutorial how to do it as well.

Roo enjoying her massage video

Once back S backed the horse trailer in and B put roo in her paddock. S jumped in the swather once he got fuel set out. B and I went for a ride around the pasture now the hay was going down. We flushed out a coyote to start that Sheldon saw a few times as well on his rounds. The horses were happy to be hosed after the ride. 

jiggly video but remember I am riding and taping at same time, sadly you can't see coyote

I continued laundry, watered the garden then put a new tomato cage on our plant.

Back from the city after 5:30 Chuck got his turn to makes the swathing rounds. They popped in to refill with fuel only to have S close the door forgetting he broke the handle off earlier in the day. For the next little while there was wire bent, windows jimmied open and window latches taken apart to get in to open the door and shut off the engine. 

KD relaxing in her "shelter" and below I spotted Gulliver catch a gopher and haul it proudly back, GOOD BOY!!

Then they were off for a few more rounds until I called them supper was ready around 8:30. This was the end of the swathing for the day as well. Deb and I had been visiting, with her ironing the last few cricut logs on t-shirts and cutting pills while I cooked. The guys showered and we all visited with a cold drink. Schmitt's said good night before 10 and off to their trailer. We crawled into bed and finally finished the movie Hustle.

S tried on his new shirt that was in his Father's Day gift form Kaylin and Nathan but it seems he may not fit it very well :)

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