Thursday, July 14, 2022

Small squares get made

H had wanted out in the night at 2:30 am and I saw the 4 horses all sleeping in front of the paddock with light from the full moon. She went to the garage then and I back to bed until 6:30 when the dang magpies were squawking. S rousted to see where and how many and saw B picking up a saddle to take to work with her. Again back to sleep till 8 for me with some game play while the prince slept then same start to another day with dog feeding, coffee making and taking off horses blankets. I started washing blankets and spent the whole day doing so.

S had a Dr phone with our naturopath at 9 which I listened along as well. He then headed out to get raking the hay and I to mow the yard. Once I was done I started working on the 2 paint projects getting a coat of clay paint on the chair and primer on the stool.

I made tuna sandwiches for lunch with S stopping to come in to eat and catch some news. He was then back out and I went to prune trees I was bumping when mowing. Then the pieces had a second coat painted on. S was back at 3:30 to swap for the small square baler and off he went. The garage fridge freezer was scrubbed out; a to do list that finally got done, now to do the bottom half. The blankets are drying fast in this 28 degree day with a drying wind. H and I walked out a sparkling water and peanuts to the baler as he finished 350. As we walked back to the house he got started on our order of small squares.

video of the bales ;)

Keith and Brenda Knodel arrived to set up camp for a couple days. Her Dad Gordon is at same facility as Dad and sits at the same table. Crazy to find that out only recently. Sheldon was swapping to the round baler when they arrived, after I helped him hook up he briefly said hello and was on his way starting large rounds. I visited with them for a bit then inside to make a macaroni salad for supper. 

Britt was out to do her horse stuff. We put blankets on horses Dave arrived a bit later bringing a horse to stay for 5 days to rehab. Once he got her unloaded and in the round pen B hauled water too they headed out to start picking his small squares; B driving, Coop in the back seat and Dave loading and stacking. I changed into jeans and went to help him along with H. We finished loading 130 into his horse trailer including the front tack room around 10. Sheldon had finished up earlier with hay getting tough and had visited then with Keith who was sitting outside. He was now on the deck on the phone. 

B and he checked horses then came in to have a beer, salad and a visit. I noticed Beibs running with rest following to the gate and looked out to see KD and Roo had come around thru the shop. This was not good seeing KD had to cross gravel to get there. B and D went and put them in and reset up the strung out temporary fence and closed up the shop before heading home, thanks guys.

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