Sunday, July 31, 2022

Running with the bulls a day 2

S took H out for a quick pee after 6 then back to bed till after 9. S made coffee and I fed H then B picked H and I up and we headed to the ranch leaving S to eat and head to his 10 am rodeo meeting. At the ranch I check rain gauge and found 2/10!! I fed the cats and in to the house to start laundry and blog work. Nathan and Kaylin were up. B was off to do horse stuff including hosing them as 22 already. I had a quick shower, watered my planters and picked a few zucchini then B dropped H and I back at the trailer before 11:30.

S had his meeting nd a shower an was relaxing on the couch. We had a light lunch then headed over to set up an umbrella spot in rush seating up top. It was another scorcher around 28 so the umbrella was well needed. Kaylin and Nathan joined us as the rodeo started at 1. They took a break to run for a slush before intermission then back. We headed back to the trailer once it ended for a cold drink with Jerry K stopping for a drinks and his pass. Tracey and Cal Logan stopped for drinks and a visit as well. Kaylin and Nathan ran home to feed and check on the dogs.

watch the above and linked video to see 12 yr old Piper Yule and her horses

At 4:45 we headed back to the infield to check all equipment was ready. I ran back to the trailer to meet K and N then we were back to get water and the set up got underway. We had less helpers with many different people tonight but got it set up much faster. The actual running was quite uneventful especially compared to last night. 

Here a re the links to running of the bulls night 2 round one, round two and round three.

After a quick takedown as well we battened everything up then back to the trailer with Grady stopping for a drink with us and K and N. After Grady was off to watch chucks we cooked up a salmon burger and salad dinner. The city couple were off before 8 to pick up pups and head home, THANKS for your help guys.

S and I cleaned up then went to the infield to watch the last 3 chuckwagon heats . Time to take H for a walk which ended up with us over at Tracey’s chuckwagon cousins Derek Aebly setup for a visit. We made our way back in the dark, put H to bed in time to watch the fireworks at 11. They were ok, not as good as July 1st. I then called it a night and watched an episode of blown Away in bed while S was off to visit with the rodeo guys. He was back around 2 am wrapping up his day.

fireworks video

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