Wednesday, July 20, 2022

New river views found at Mclean

H was patient till 8:30 when I took her out and Chuck their dogs. She ate then back inside while we enjoyed a couple cups of coffee. Deb made a fruit salad to go with carrot muffins for a delicious start to the day. 

good morning all :)

shine up the windows so we can see today

We then loaded up the dogs and headed off for a relaxing slower trail ride around 11. While trying to find the river we could a spectacular view point we have never saw before, well worth the new find. We then carried on with a few turn backs and twists to find the river for yet another great stop. The dogs even got out and enjoyed the refreshing water. I had packed up beverages and Deb apples and carrots for a nice picnic.

what a great photo, thanks Deb!

climbing in the gravel pit video

this is how we roll video

LOOK at the view we found

Chuck making tight fits and following right behind us down to the river

Deb took this video of us climbing up

Harley video

We made our way back to camp after our 3 hour 16 mile trek and had a cold beverage and a delicious tuna sandwich made by Deb with sides of cherries and chips. We packed up camp and on our way in short order after 3. It was a toasty 26 sunshine day.

We got back at 4:15 and in short order had everything unloaded. H ate her supper then hit her bed and stayed there for the REST of the night in the A/C house. It was a tough day bouncing along with us ;) My paint parcel was delivered as we were unloading. I started laundry while S pressure washed the ranger clean.

Chuck and Deb arrived after 5 having stopped at Costco on their way back quick. They got busy cleaning their trailer out. S ate soup then he and I had a bowl of macaroni salad I rehydrated from the Schmitt fridge. He was then off to a rodeo meeting after 6. They came in for a bowl and cool down then Chuck got busy pressure washing their razor and Deb doing laundry too then out for a shower. I did a post for KD before I rinsed out the coolers after unloading and left out to dry. Chuck washed their up and let dry as well.

H food was delivered after 7 then I jumped in the shower just as B arrived. She rode Roo on this beauty night before she was off for home at 9. The 3 of us were visiting inside with a refreshing beverage as laundry continued.

As the sun set I ran out to put Switch's grazing mask on seeing she ran away from B. Chuck and Deb snapped some photos of the razor in the sunset then headed of to bed. S was home after 10 from his meeting a drink at bar after as I was just getting into bed. We watched a Netflix episode and then lights out.

clean machines in the sunset

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