Friday, July 8, 2022

Family taco night

We were awake fairly early for camping before 9. S took H for a quick walk while I made coffee and cereal bowls. We then loaded H and headed for home. At the ranch Cooper greeted us since he and B stayed overnight to do horse care. B had given KD her morning meds and took all fly sheets off but hers before going to work. S unhooked the trailer, H went inside with Cooper, I watered my planters then we set off back to the campsite.

About 10 km down the road the water in fuel light came on, we drove a bit then decided to turn around and go back to the ranch in case there were bigger issues. I took KD’S blanket off seeing B and taken all others off before she left for work. Again we were off and this time the light came on again farther down the way. I was reading the manual and found there was a water separator so on the side of the highway S found it and drained. We set out again but only for a short bit when the engine sputtered and died with us coating into another approach. 

S found the plug had not been seated tight so closed and primed the engine and finally got it going. We crossed our fingers and continued on having to do this process a couple more times before arriving back at camp. The Vegas gang had most things packed up and were enjoying a lunch under their awning. I made S a rum and coke to relax the nerves as he once again drained the water out. We packed up our stuff enjoying a bit of their lunch goodies, thanks.

We had everything packed up, hooked up and pulled out of the site just before 2. Both trailers had to dump at the station before we headed east again. Vegas did turn left to find elbow falls but did not have luck so came to our place. Arriving home a bit ahead of them we backed the trailer in, put out the slide and enjoyed a cold drinks in the trailer to celebrate all our stuff making it back home.

S hooked up the pressure washer and the mud was washed off the ranger then passed to Chuck to do his razor. Deb and Karen ran to town to pick up the covid test that had arrived along with more groceries for our Mexican supper night.

Calgary crew arrived along with Lexi & Beans to join us on the deck in the sun for beverages.

Debby and Karen were back after 2 hours with her waiting online to take a covid test. Eventually she got thru and did the test in front of the online gal, sealed it up and put in our fridge till tomorrow as not wanting to drive back in with all the company here and supper soon. I cooked bison taco meat and prepped veggies once Deb got her test complete she made bean dip and we all chowed down. Dave got in on the tail end of supper.

B and Dave went out after he finished eating and gave all the horses vaccines in the mosquito laden paddocks, thank you guys! Inside B trimmed Lexi, Teddy and Jaspers nails too.

Visiting inside away from mozzies then S went to build a fire after 9:30. The Calgary crew headed back not wanting to smell like camp fire. It was a beautiful sunset evening but the mozzies were bad. They did settle after dusk ended and the smoke helped a bit too. It was a fun fire with lots of stars starting to come out. B, C and D headed home at 11 and the rest followed heading to the trailer to turn in for the night. A shower was needed before crawling into bed with a yogurt fruit bowl I made us.

Chad took this back yard view video

how Sheldon makes a mosquito smudge

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