Thursday, June 23, 2022

MRI scan

No coffee or breakfast today as S is fasting till after his MRI. I went and put the mares inside as rain is coming. S ran to town before 9 to pick up a couple things then back. We were off to the city after 10:30 with me dropping him off at his MRI appointment and I spent the next couple hours shopping. The rain was off and on thru the day. 

I picked him back up before 2 and we headed north to grab a sub then hit up Costco. Here we got a bit of hail even during the rain. Once we came out all had stopped and we were back to the ranch by 4:30. A quick unload of the frozen and fridge items and I was off to town to give Mom a supper break and help Dad with supper and visit. S stayed home to cut some grass and watch baseball. He also decided not to take the trailer up with forecast wind and rain so cancelled campsite booking.

Dad finally ahs a trophy to display at his door :)

I was back home after 8 having stopped to buy a rain coat at Mark’s on my way. B had fed and medicated horses. KD got let out with the herd overnight with her new boots and was loving it. She is only on Vitamin e and her thyroid now but B did have to give her butte yesterday but much improvement.

B was off after 8 as I went out to scoop poop on the road. Shaina arrived as we were eating wings and joined us. She pulled into the garage and her and S tried everything to remove her super tight Jeep doors. They worked o that project till midnight and eventually got one door off but had a wee accident putting it back on, I worked on the blog and tried to source a hotel under $500/nt then crawled into bed at 11 hoping for some sleep but not till after all went to bed.

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