Saturday, June 11, 2022

Harley's first boat ride

Early morning on a beautiful day I met the corso and young girl next door on our morning walk, he is sadly not well trained, H has been an angel and acing the camping life. Once back at the trailer with a successful walk (H has not pooped her till now) I made coffee which rousted a sleeping S. Coffee was enjoyed inside with us breaking our rule of H only in her kennel when inside.

so much for no dog in the trailer ;)

We eventually moved out under our big tree; a poplar that dropped 1000 stickies below that make for a huge mess. Luckily on Harley's short hair most pick out but some leave sticky and do all the shoe bottoms. Breakfast was yogurt and fruit under the tree.

We rolled out the awnings for some shade but no luck however S wanted the flaps down so came up with a makeshift ladder :)

a happy camper

A boat ride which was Harley's first boat ride was our next adventure. She was cautious but soon was laying down napping. Darren took us to the far north end where he had some luck but not S. A garter snake also tried to board the boat but was unlucky.

heading to anchor by the blue heron tree ahead

they are prehistoric looking aren't they?

Sharon nor I fished but I did help to net a couple fish

A late lunch was thanks to Ma K and her jars of soup which are way better then Campbell's. THANK YOU. Power hook ups are certainly handy for microwaving soup and a bit of A/C when needed.

Stan and Mabel drove out for a visit and to see baby Thea so we stopped by to visit for a bit in the hot sun. Back at the trailer S napped while I took H for another walk meeting Coreen's son with his new baby and fiancé along the way. They stopped over later in the evening to visit too.

Supper was a feast with bison steak, bbq corn, baby potato's, broccoli and coleslaw. I did tell S to smile in the photo but seems I caught him mid chew, oops.

After cleaning up we headed over to Krista's site to join the fire for a bit, Coreena's son and family stopped here too for a visit. When Krista and Brennan headed to bed early to catch some sleep while Thea did we moved over to Stout's site. 

Harley finally found a friend to play with for a wee bit off leash; Fisher (K & B's dog)

Rain started as Darren was making a fire so I put Harley to bed in her kennel and we started to play cards under the awning but eventually moved inside their trailer. After our card game was over we headed home around 10 with the rain letting up and starting again once we were inside. Perfect time to try the new fireplace after a hot shower then watch a Lincoln Lawyer before bed in the massaging chairs. This camping life is pretty good :)

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