Thursday, June 30, 2022

First peonies

S was awake early after 7 which had me awake then too. He got coffee going after perusing the online news and continued with a couple more. He tried on a stack of jeans and shorts Chuck bought him gaining many new duds. We were just finishing our yogurt and fruit when the Schmitt’s came in. We visited until they headed to town at 11 for errands. S and I enjoyed a cold water on the deck trying to sort where we are going to camp next week.

Look at my first peonies blooming of the year!!

I worked on the blog trying to catch up then put the pizza in when they got back after 12. Deb read on the deck for a bit till mosquitoes chased her in. The fellows ended up in our trailer after finding that out trail hitch CANNOT pull a trailer eventually coming in to grab pizza and eat on the deck. Shaina arrived after 1 and was off to her room to do a couple calls.

Deb picked out some inspirational words then we put them on the transfer paper. I applied them to the laundry window frame while she ironed graphics on t-shirts. 

Trying to decide on an additional word lower right or not.. I think it needs a word :)

Shaina popped up for her pizza and a visit. I went to bath Harley, S helped on his way to change oil in swather. Chuck helped which also required fixing starter issues and changing the battery along with oil change. Shaina’s jeep was checked to see if we could borrow it to pull the ATV trailer but it had no towing package. She set off back to the city at 4 as the fellows were trying to figure out how to change the trailer hitch but it would be a huge project. Looks like we are going to have to make 2 trips to wherever we camp.

Chuck made salmon patties and I rice to go with the leftover salads for our supper. Visiting rounded out our evening. B was out at her usual time and did her horse stuff and back to town as had not yet ate and getting hangry. 

I forgot to share this from Monday, someone got their braces off!!

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