Sunday, June 5, 2022

A very welcome soaking rain

The rain drizzled all night, how thankful are we!! I woke at 8:30 to chat with Shaina who was waiting for her flight to Amsterdam where she is spending the night and making the final flight home tomorrow arriving at 1:30 pm. I then fed H, made coffee delivered on to the prince in bed and drank a cup there too before heading out to medicate KD. The poop bucket is full so no stall cleaning but I did refill their hay. Pepper is NOT a fan of stalling. B even had to drug him last night. Back inside another cup of coffee as I caught up the blog and S perused news on the net.

We then headed out to do barn work. S checked rain gauge 8/10ths!!! He then helped me dump the poop bucket and run wagon to pit and bring down bales as I put the two horses in the arena (KD barefoot) for a bit. S found his repair on the shop water tank was leaking again so he pumped all the water out to other vessels then put the last to sprinkle in the arena. I then took Pep out to swap for Switch but they took off and this became a 15 minute game of chase but in the end I won. Back in the arena it was poop scooping, cut new boot pads and put boots back on and into her stall. Switch was brushed and left to stand for a bit as I filled hay bags, found KD had beavered a wall and edges so ran and got a bar of soap to rub all over these areas. A loop around the yard for poop was needed too. The sun peeked out with odds of rain over.

KD movement video of the day

Lunch time, S made grilled cheese sandwiches to go with a side of spinach dip and crackers I got out. The next projects were indoors. I sanded my chair and did some touch ups while s screwed his bison boards together. I soaked the rusty casters in vinegar to remove crud then helped him hang the backboard above the garage window then hang the bison, success!! It looks great all finished don’t you think?

The wind now picked up so no hot tub again today. We decided to head out on a date night so I showered and dressed and we were off to town before 3 passing Paetz’s on their way out to get more goodies. Our first stop was to visit Dad who was getting his steps inside in. We visited until it was his supper time at 4:45. We then went to Boston Pizza for supper and to use another gift card S had gotten thru a 50/50 purchase. The meal was really good and they had $4 drinks!! Before heading to the movie seeing we had time to spare we stopped to see the Paetz estate.. wow that is a lovely home that will fit them all for many years to come. As we were visiting the rain started to come down in buckets.

We made our way to the city stopping in Chestermere for a beverage as we missed the 7:10 and now had to wait for 2 hours. A loop thru Walmart was next to use up time before heading to the theatre next door to watch Top Gun: Maverick. After watching 40 minutes f reviews we realized we easily could have made the 7:10. Oh well. It was a good action packed movie esp on the big screen. It finished up at 11:30 and we made our way home, the rain had let up but once home S checked and we had 4 1/2 more 10ths in the gauge for a total of 1 1/4" today!! Thank you Lord!

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