Sunday, May 1, 2022

May 1, WTH

It is May 1, wow time is flying fast. Another usual morning with coffee, H fed and relaxing in bed coming up with a day plan. B wanted to trail ride so planned for it this afternoon followed by a hot dog campfire. Shaina is going to join us. The day started off sunny with S cleaning the tub filters. Soon it clouded over and wind picked up with our plans now in question.

S started painting his one bison head while I sorted bottles, unboxed the paint parcel from a few days back and tidied the garage coaching his painting. I made us a delicious salad for lunch and were were finishing up when Britt arrived with her lunch. We decided to not haul anywhere to ride and maybe would here later. She went to do more poop cleanup. Yesterday she filled a wheelbarrow from the paddocks, YEAH!! It looks so much better and greening up fast.

He had filled the bullet hole with wood filler and recreated the skull fracture

Shaina arrived at 1:45 to find the ride cancelled but there was lots to do. S hauled the wheelbarrow of poop to the pit while I hooked up the quad and wagon for her. Shaina and I then started to unload the cargo trailer of gym items and chairs. S after filling truck with fuel helped us carry a couple of Kaylin's bigger pieces she wants to keep into the storage trailer then backed trailer to garage where we unloaded the dining table, the small dining table Shaina had in Banff for a desk and Kaylin's hutch she no longer needs. Then the cargo trailer was blown out and parked in the usual spot.

B braved the winds rode Roo then caught Bird and took her in the big field. S moved gravel to spots around the house that needed them. Shaina got to work on her computer after wiping down the "desk" table and I gave it a scuff sanding and rewipe. Time for a beer with S on the deck but it was blustery.

He and I headed to the garage where he painted a second coat on his bison head and I painted a black coat on Shaina's desk.

We had a hot tub coming in after 7 as Shaina was off to the gym. After the tub, S painted the other bison skull with me delivering a rum and coke and sanded smooth the desk table's first coat. Shaina was back by 9 as we were watching some Ozark. I started to drift so we shut off only to wake up for a couple hours ;(

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