Friday, May 27, 2022

Day in the ER

There was an early chit chat for S and I after waking at 5:30 but eventually we were back to sleep only to wake after 9. S put on coffee and I went to take off Roo's mask and was feeding H when the phone rang. It was Amanda saying Dad had fell in the night and cut his head open but was still bleeding this am so they called Mom. Amanda was heading to hospital could I meet her there. One (acutally2) can dress, brush teeth and be out the door in very short order with a call like that. We picked up Amanda who was waiting out front of hospital as Dad had not arrived yet by ambulance and headed over to Sagewood which is literally 1 minute away.

Here we found we was in the ambulance but it was going no where so I knocked on the door. The EMT chatted with us saying he was coherent and the bleeding was indeed stopped and they would be taking him to hospital soon so we sat in the car for over 10 minutes then followed them over. The dang covid rules had the hospital tell AJ on the phone we could not come in but that did not sit well with me so I headed in and stood in the different lines to wait and talk to ER. Finally after yet another 15 minute wait with a poor little guy being triaged ahead of me the EMT was next then she went over to outpatient and I could hear her talking about Dad only to get my turn in triage. The nurse said oh we were going to call the primary  to come be with him. Well I am one of his daughters so lets go see him. I found him with a polysporin covered cut wrapped on a stretcher. I helped the EMT's move him into an ER room bed after a shorter wait and from there we sat for a couple hours before the dr came in to stitch him up. Again I got to be the assistant to hold pressure on his wound after she scrubbed it off and went to get her equipment. Then poof she was gone. The lab girl came for bloodwork and they wanted me to get a urine sample but he seemed a bit hesitant on that one because he was thirsty and had not drank or ate since last night supper and 2 probably cause I am his daughter. I got a glass of water and juice box into him with a plan for the nurse to take him to the actual bathroom on the way to x-ray for his shoulder only to have them have us wait for almost an hour after he said yep I could pee now! FINALLY they got a wheelchair in and I helped him get in and off to the bathroom and X-ray for his shoulder. Now to wait for yet almost another hour for them to bring him back. The doctor had asked if we could drive him to the city for CT scan which I said sure and arranged for Amanda to drive as Sheldon had gone home to fix a tank and mow and AJ went to juggle kids from school and who were home sick. And by home I mean trailer in the campground ;) I now overheard ambulance drivers asking if he was back yet for their trek to the city. I chatted with the fellow driver then he found dr who wanted Dad now taken by ambulance so not to have any other falls, plus they may get speedier service? Once he was back from xray they asked me to help get him from wheelchair to ambulance gurney. He had a blanket as was cold but be darned if his shirt was not on or buttoned so once I got his dressed the girl EMT brought 2 hot blankets and I asked the fellow EMT for food so he grabbed some sandwiches for the ride. Just at 2:30 they loaded him up and were off to the city for a CT scan.

the laceration before during and after stitches

S came to town bringing H along for the ride and picked me up. I like Dad was starving so a quick drive thru Tims to grab a chicken wrap and ice cap. Then S stopped at 4 stores trying to find mower blades with no luck. Time to head home on this overcast blustery day.

We were back home just before 3:30 where S was off to sharpen the mower blades seeing he had no luck finding new ones, I took the cats the raw food set out then got to work marketing. I am so far behind but published the bread box tutorial and shared on appropriate sites and sent to the paint company. H finally got out of the car where J had joined him requesting her supper. I refilled her dishes I had left this am then back in to work on the blog. S graded the road and was back in before 5. Time for a glass of water for us both.

The sun finally came out around 6 but the wind stayed so I took H for a walk only to find gophers upon gophers. I text Elmer who was inside watching a hockey game and he was soon out with his gun. He got busy picking them off and once out of bullets he was back to the shop to reload and grab the ranger.

I searched everywhere for Harley's purple ball with no luck. I popped inside and put the cabbage rolls in the microwave (thanks Ma K). The sun was now gone and wind chilly when B arrived. She got busy with horses. She and I then hosed KD's legs, put on boots and a grazing mask and put her and Pep in small paddock behind the barn.

The cats got left out last night so tonight we are leaving door open again and hope for no coyote action here. B headed home as S and I were eating the yummy cabbage rolls late and watched the crazy hockey game end. He and I then hit the hot tub for a soak before shower and bed. It was another long day.

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