Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Still cold and windy

Perhaps my busy day ahead had me waking after 7:30 but I did wake and listen to a podcast before getting ready for the day. I made an iced coffee to go, fed H, loaded Dad's table and took the cats food and opened door before hitting the road before 9. It is -9 out with a wind of course and scattered flurries, brrr.  Parking was a bit of a delay so I was a few minutes late for my 9:10 lab appointment. Then I was off to Sharon's for our monthly work meeting. She had cinnamon buns and coffee to enjoy of course. THANK YOU! 

I headed off before 12:30 thinking I would visit Dad only to remember they eat soon so dropped some boxes off at Paetz's and had a quick visit. I called Sagewood to confirm they eat at 12:45 so headed over for a visit before my next appointment. We visited and talked to Mom on speaker phone before I helped him track down his shaver and make my way to my 2 pm eyelash appointment. For the next hour and a half I relaxed with my eyes closed visiting with the young gal.

It had stopped snowing but still cold and windy at -6 so I headed home grabbing a tea and the mail on the way. I dropped a neighbors parcel at her gate on the way by having it in the wrong box Having missed lunch I had a sausage with my tea as now 4 and Shaina will be home for supper at 6. I had put H in garage but when went out to soak feed for B found she had puked on a few rugs. HMMMM what's ailing her? I shook them out and threw in the washer. Then it was onto booking a place S found on the island for a night and catching up the blog. B arrived after 5 to feed quick in the miserable weather. She is feeling a bit better but says still pus in socket but is back to work tomorrow. She was then off for home as Dave was back from BC for supper.

I cooked up some rice blend and peas with shaina arriving just after 6. We dove into the food as both were starved. She was off to work as I worked on todays blog post after staging the magazine rack. 

I then wrote a Hometalk post for the cactus tray. We took a break at 8, bundled up and again braved the windy cold elements - put cats away with dry food today and did our walk along the trees with H. Back inside the warm house I put a second black coat on the bread box and worked on more steps in the garage vacuuming the washer and dryer out from rug rubber. A gal messaged interested in the purple floral table and planning to come tomorrow. That was a nice turnover time.

Shaina wanted a tub at 9:30 but required me to open the tub as she cannot with her fake nails LOL I made a protein smoothie and continued work on blog. I went out and closed up the tub for the princess before 10:30 with the prince arriving home before 11 as I was watching Netflix. He skipped a tub, crawled into bed had me use massager on his neck then soon sound asleep.

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