Sunday, April 10, 2022

Shaina moves back home for a few weeks

The wind continues to howl when I awoke, when will it end? Apparently it is bringing freezing temps (this am is 0) and this has given me a headache, grr. After my meditation I fed H and made a cappuccino. Marketing was up next and checking in on flights yet again. Crazy going thru Westjet directly is almost $400 more then Expedia. B text her face is huge and will call emerge, poor girl, her teeth were extracted over 8 weeks ago.

Now to get the basement bedrooms rugs cleaned. Two hours later all 3 girls had their rugs cleaned and the machine all cleaned up and left to dry.

Now for a yummy spinach salad for a late lunch.

The end table had a couple more pics and videos then hauled downstairs. 

Dad's table was hauled in and staged but when doing so I saw a couple H hairs in the finish so sanded lightly and gave a 5th clear coat.

B had the dentist call her back and prescribe antibiotics and tomorrow will have the socket debrided for her. She picked up the pills on her way out before 3, fed the horses and headed home to rest. She looks like a one sided pocket gopher again. In the light on the table I saw some streaks that happens with this clear coat so I added another coat just as S called to chat. When it dried there was 1 streak but going against my OCD I buffed the top and will leave it to dry. I hope the table is not to wobbly for Dad's room.

Then it was on to accounting for a bit. For supper I cooked the last HF meal, north African styled spiced pork. It was very tasty. Once I finished up I was back to accounting and catching up the blog. Needing steps and H her exercise I bundled up, put cats away and took her for a walk doubling back twice along the west trees. Carrying on with exercise I started my scheduled workout. S called part way thru so I happily took a break to chat trailer with him. Once back at it Amanda text they were on way out to store stuff in the barn. I finished up and met them at the barn. We moved, swept and organized their stuff under the stairs in the blustery 0 temps.

Shaina arrived while we were doing so moving home from the city for a couple weeks before moving in with Kaylin and Nathan May 1st. The gypsy and I hauled in stuff that she took to her room. I put the rug cleaner back together and had ready to send back with Paetz's on their next load. S and I put on our suits and hit the hot tub for Shaina's first time. AJ and C were back with their patio furniture putting it up on our deck then stopping for a quick visit as we sat in the hot tub and they in their bundled up winter gear. They headed home taking the rug cleaner THANK YOU!!! It worked so well and will be used again before 11 years are up.

Shaina and I caught up in the tub then came in at 10, I added chemicals while she rinsed off as did I then the visit carried on as she put away her groceries. I of course had to watch some Queen of the South before lights out as I heard her putting stuff away in her room.

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