Thursday, April 14, 2022

More snow.

Snow flakes continued to softly fall off and on this am and -9 as I was again awake after 7. Prince slept soundly till after 8:30 when up to make coffee. He tested the spa water finding the PH still high which led to research and calls. I showered then ordered some chemicals online for it too.

We were off to town at 10:30 dropping S at his physiology appointment and I carried on to visit Dad. He and I walked the floor seeing the weather was in climate to go out. We also chatted with Mom on speakerphone before I dropped him again at his fitness class at high noon. I picked up Cooper then to get Sheldon. He made a quick stop at Can tire to do a return then we grabbed some booze and Vietnamese for lunch. 

Back at the ranch before 1 the dogs were off for a bit while we ate. S hit big brown for a nap while I worked on todays blog post. I headed out to put more transfers on the bread box and once awake S suggested a hot tub. Perfect time as the snow was falling but it was brrr chilly out. The dogs played ball and chewed on bones till we came in at 5. S hooked up the hose he thawed and filled the tub with water and started his chemical  additions.

For supper we enjoyed the prime rib cut in two; S rubbed it up like his steak and barbecued it along with a pepper. I sautéed asparagus and fried the leftover rice for a tasty meal. After supper we took the dogs (and horses) for a walk in the on again off again snow. Back at the house S was in to watch hockey and I put cats away then in to make a batch of sweet tea for the kombucha jar. We weighed Harley who is now over 112 pounds.

B worked late and did not arrive till 8 ish to feed then loaded up Cooper and was off for home. After the Flames were defeated we headed out for another soak in the much fuller tub. It was lightly snowing still and chilly but the 104 water felt good. S continues his water chemistry research in bed after another rinse in the shower. I had to watch a queen of the South once he was sleeping. I shut off my tablet just before 1 am as Shaina pulled  into the yard. H went out to garage after 1 for the night.

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