Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Blizzard blows in

At 7:02 I woke with the prince lightly snoring and that was my wakeup unable to go back to sleep. I did turn on the coffee as I walked by to let H in after 8 (I put her in garage at 2 am) then fed at usual 9 as we had a coffee in bed. The day is overcast, gloomy and 0 out.

KD moving much better today video

Time to get on the turkey soup bone picking that was left simmering overnight while S continued his spa chemical ordeal. I went out to feed cats, video KD and pitch hay before veggies were chopped and added to soup. S unloaded the ranger seeing it will be weeks before we try going out again then took the dresser to the gate after I moved car and put a free sign on it. Hopefully it is picked up ASAP. He also put harrows and quad away and hooked up the pump in the under deck water tanks to pump out accumulated water. I bottled and brewed kombucha cracking a bottle for everyone with their yummy soup at lunch.

this is 12:35 pm

this is 12:46 pm

Snow started to fall lightly then increased quickly and it was plus 6. Sheldon headed to town after 1:30 to drop trash, do a quick return and try and get into the lab for a test. I headed out to pitch more hay to the small pen but found they were wearing out the corner agitated from the snow so let them into the middle paddock. However once I opened the gate they bolted off into the far paddock and after much chasing in the snow storm I swapped to catch Pepper and put them in the center paddock. KD leg moved well while she was moving so that is good. Seeing I was along the west I walked to the winter pasture gate and opened and closed yard gate back at the house to let the other 4 out to eat the hay that is out. The storm picked up even more as H and I made out way back as the temperatures dropped. Inside it was time for a hot tea and work on the blog. The dresser gal cancelled for tomorrow but says she will rebook ;(

not an ideal walk day - video

I moved on to accounting, Shaina popped up at 4 and made us tuna and crackers, thanks Dude then she was off to the gym at 4:30. Soon after the power went out as I was online paying bills. Not once but 4 times in the next half hour and each time I had just got the computer back up and money program. I took a break after the last bump to leave off and feed H then got back to it after 5.

Shaina was back after 6, I had started our supper and she ran and tossed hay to the horses. We enjoyed our yummy meal then she was off to work. Poor Sheldon's plane was delayed, usually they board and fly at 5:35 but today they were boarded and sitting on the plane in the storm. I got back to the computer working on the blog when Britt and Dave arrived around 7:30. 

B went and fed 2 horses in the storm then hauled hay to the shelter for the gingers and gave KD her bute. The dogs ripped around like they were in Disneyland! She hauled another bale down from the mez and hauled over to the 4 in the closest shelter and finally found J who was hunkered down in the hay under the deck thru this whole storm and put cats away. THANKS B!!! Sheldon's plane finally deiced and headed North after 8, gonna be a long night but luckily he had the Flames game on his phone for part of the delay. The townies headed home at 8:30 and I got back to my computer work while watching Queen of South on iPad. Shaina made us popcorn, I quit the computer before 9:30 when S text he was landing up north and headed to bed to watch more episodes. He finally made it to his room by 11:30 after a long travel day.

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