Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Spring river walk

I woke after 6 with H wanting out soon after. She went to the kennel till wakeup time. I gabbed the Dr Ho again and put on my back for a bit. S woke and made coffee as I fed H then we relaxed with a cup and I found pinched nerve self traction videos for S to watch till a fellow arrived to pick up bin stuff we brought back from the Hat. I threw bed linens in laundry and water the rest of the plants and found a box of hooks for the shelter wall including 5 brand new ones!!

We loaded up Harley and headed to the river for a walk after 11. It was blustery when not in the trees but we got in 2.1 kms. Back at the house I cleaned up wood and tools and S put ranger in the shop. S cannot find his glasses for the last few days. I searched the big browns, the mercedes, around the house then checked the blog as we both felt he had his glasses driving. The blog reminded me the last time was in the merc in town so checked there and sure enough found his glasses for him.

I cooked us up some scrambled eggs, beans and S added toast/jam and fresh veggies Ma K sent home. S rested on the couch and perused his new phone for a half hour as his lunch settled as I tidied up then we hit the hot tub for 20 minutes or so. After he hoped out he jumped in the skid steer and rolled out half a bale for the horses just beside the bale stack on pasture side in his housecoat and crocs. Now that is the way to ranch.

I tested the tub water, opened and closed gate for him and gathered the baler twine while he hustled in to shower and dress to leave for work after 2. The chemicals I added seemed to get levels correct. Time to catch up on some computer work I have put on back burner.

I made a smoothie for supper after feeding H and worked on writing the sideboard tutorial. B was out at the usual time to feed bringing me a jug of milk (THANKS) and I put cats away with their supper. She was off to meet Dave for supper at OJ's. I remade the bed and ate last of the bison roast around 8:30 as I chatted with S who arrived safely at site. In the freshly laundered bed I watched some more Life After Death shows.

this view NEVER gets old!!

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