Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Is winter back?

The fog continued thru the night, when I let H out at 5:55 and still around when I woke before 8 and it was -8. I made a pot of coffee letting prince sleep in, fed H and chatted with Mom on her way to Medicine Hat. S was up before 9:30 dressed and with a go mug of coffee was off to town to an appointment where he had a blood pressure monitor put on for 24 hours. I brought the dresser hardware in, affixed and staged some photos. I also grabbed decoupage paper to line the drawers.

S was back letting cats out on his way in after 11. Lunch with the news was followed up with an online course at 1 for us both. S had a nap after while I blogged and once up we took H for a walk. The hoar frost is crazy in the fog but so pretty. The temps were brr at -6 with a chilly breeze. 

I played soccer with H while S checked out tech cable we have on hand hoping it worked for the hot tub but no luck. He then had a zoom meeting with a guy at 4 and I worked on accounting. Supper was compliments of Ma K, lasagna with a yummy kale salad side. B and coop were out to feed and walk the horses around to lock in winter pasture, put on Pepper's blanket (Bird's is wet) then headed home. I ran the cats raw food much to J's pleasure then back in to help S search for cable online. Time to pack my travel bag for the Knordic spa tomorrow while S caught some sports and internet scrolling.

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