Friday, March 18, 2022

Hot tub arrives

I awoke with a headache a bit worse then the last 4 days with the chinook pressure changes at 6:30 and it never left. H went out and back to the kennel but I only drifted for an hour then awake. I eventually just got up and made coffee and took some pills. S enjoyed another good sleep in before his coffee. Today the hot tub arrives so last minute things were checked. I also had S help me haul the sideboard downstairs to make room.

The truck arrived after 11 and the process began to unload and set up. S dug the cable line after deciding where to bring into the tub and I was in charge of filling it back up. The fellows unloaded and got the cover installed.  They helped with things too which was great service. The water was started to fill it up!

Part way thru the last bison buyer and his Dad arrived. They are the ones that were found out to be relatives on Ma K side of the family. I helped the fellows load the freezer and meat as S heard the last of the hot tub instructions then hot tub guys were off. The cousins did a dead animal tour in the shop before they set off as I made us a healthy salad again for lunch.

With the sideboard moved I could snap some drawer side pics.

After we ate it was a run to town to get a missing cable connector taking H along for the ride. We grabbed an iced coffee before picking up Cooper then back to the ranch after getting the mail by 3. The tub electrical was worked on by S as I cleaned off sticker residue and finished filling the tub. We put the panel back on and got the heater going. The remaining gravel was dumped and a bucket dumped by the tub then raked level. I had found our camping rug and brought over to put by it the tub/steps. It is complete!!

Now to get it heated and try it out soon. We came in and I made us our HF meal; dill and caper salmon. It was yummy. I put the kitties away with raw after B arrived to feed in the glorious evening light then took Coop home after 7. S checked the tub again and it was now 64 from 56, still way to cold to get in :) We bathed Harley for our trip to MH tomorrow then S was off to TV room to watch his Flames and I to update the blog. I also hauled in the Costco canned goods we forgot in the car as I prepped the car to go. I picked my private paint class winner and then was off to bed after 9 to watch Netflix. I did measure out the chemicals for the tub and after the Flames lost in overtime we went and put them in just before 10, the water was now only 70. We then watched a Vikings Valhalla before bed.

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