Wednesday, February 16, 2022

5 coyotes in the field

I was awake after 7 having let H out at 4 and 6 so put on headphones again and listened to a podcast. The full moon shone brightly in the big window. Once the sun was up the ground was once again covered in a nice fluffy layer of snow. After he woke S made coffee and we chatted in bed with a couple cups.

I won a contest!

B text she had pain in upper left side so would be going to see the dentist later, poor girl. H and I went and let the cats out into the sun but brisk snow covered yard while S caught up some sleep. Plants required watering next. He was now up to catch the news then we ventured north along with Harley to pick up a dresser and nightstand. This took us on a bit of a goose chase with another crazy pin location but eventually we got there, got them loaded and on our way. As we passed thru town we picked up Cooper and back to the ranch. B found she has an infection caused by the swelling and that she is unusual to still be swollen and unable to really open her jaw. She now has exercises and antibiotics.

They were off to play, S had a short nap while I did a couple computer tasks. The coyotes were howling off and on and it was not long before we spied them in the east hay field; not 1 or 2 but 5!! Sheldon shot off a couple rounds but they were not that scared. Not long after S saw the neighbors dog out trying to push them off but from our view we could see one luring him while the others went around behind. I had text Brittany (the neighbor) and she hiked out to get her dog and only with her yelling did they take off.

hard to see but there are 5 in that corner

H is right out of food so I had to semi thaw an emergency roll for her supper which she happily ate 80% frozen. Bison steak and roast veggies were enjoyed for the first homemade supper in over a week. Sheldon was then off to a rodeo meeting passing the dog food delivery guy on his way out the gate. I went to open the yard gate seeing the horses are out only to have them infiltrate the yard heading to the paddock fence near the waterer but it is snowed in so cant open for them. After I grabbed the dog food and he was on his way I shooed the horses out then put the cats away with raw food. 

I got to work on the wine case adding more transfers over the repainted area only to have them lift. Again more touch up paint and let it dry as B arrived to feed horses. We decided to walk them back around and lock them in the paddocks so they will drink water and found the 2 oldies had some leg stiffness from who knows what. B then fed those 2 while I got back to work on the projects clear coating them both and leaving to dry. B and Coop were off and I worked to catch up the blog. I was doing some stretching yoga when S returned from his rodeo meeting at 8:30. He watched his Flames play while I watched some Wentworth.

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