Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Travel prep

I got up around midnight to drink a glass of vitamin c and found it lightly snowing. It was still snowing when Harley wanted out at 5:30 but cleared up when fed her. Coffee and a wee bit of marketing for me then it was onto trip plans and laundry. 

I spent some packing my bag and trying to gather everything we normally take on vacation. I managed to dye my eyebrows and gel paint my toenails (fingernails tomorrow). Sheldon spent the entire day organizing his bison sales; relaying cuts for each buyer after contacting them to the butcher. He did finally get a chance to head outside after I fed H at 4:30 and played a bit of ball with her as I sat on hold with WestJet to try and find out about covid insurance and do accounting. He then got the Christmas decor from the deck back to the mez.

Lexi is spending a few days keeping Shaina company

I was on hold for 2 hours and 15 minutes and never got thru. I did get the ArriveCan information all uploaded and good to go for our return. Yesterday I had both our Mexican immigration forms filled out online. It is handy to do allot of this online prior to, fingers crossed it saves us time. I made us fresh liver for supper with dill salad, fresh snap peas and spinach dip on the side, yep fridge cleaning :) After supper Britt and Coop were out to feed with Har going out for a bit. I found trip interruption insurance thanks to our neighbor who just got back from Mexico and within minutes I had us covered!! Thanks Brittany R!

S was off to TV room while I headed to bed after 8 today and the temperature was plus 4, basically what it was since mid day. The winds did pick up though for a blustery evening. I thought I was almost finished season 3 but it seems there are 32 episodes in this season so a few more to go.

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