Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tote troubles continue

Holy windy night, a hurricane woke me at 3 am and blew for most of the night. It did let up at 6:30 then started again with less vengeance at 7. Har went out quick then to rest till her breakfast. Coffee and some computer work. Then after having more computer glitches I spent an hour on the phone with our internet provider. A phone call to Dad was enjoyed before I was onto adding more transfers with the same problems. 

I put the transfers on the tote cursing as I went. Improper prep I think is the reason the transfers are lifting the paint but these transfers are terrible and stretchy gummy edges requiring burnishing with a sanding pad. So many touch up and sanding.

I made a quick run to town taking Har along for fresh air and change of view. I checked the thrift store quick for some projects; zilch. I grabbed some beer on sale, checked for cat food on sale then scored a tea and soup for lunch. Last stop was to pick up a dresser offered to me by the record player gal then dropped trash at dump on way by.

Back from town before 2 Britt was just heading to get the food. I ate my soup quick then headed out to scoop more revealed dog poop in the plus 8 temps. She tweaked feet and scooped poop in arena after feeding. I went to garage and clear coated the nightstand. She and Cooper headed home around 3:30 to find her furnace had stayed on after opening windows.

The jewelry chest I started last week got a coat of primer seeing it too has a smooth shiny surface while the nightstand dried.

In the house I spent half an hour with the router support guy with NO results, grrr. Back out to dark wax the nightstand.

Harley and I then took raw food and water out to put kitties away. Brushes were washed then realized I needed to clear coat the tote. Now all projects are left to dry and time to cook supper, the last HF meal; tarragon chicken. It was pretty tasty but not sure I am a tarragon fan. It tastes a bit like black licorice.

Time to catch up the blog while watching the McLeod Daughters; first soaking in the tub then in the comfy bed. 

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