Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Not a car wash kinda day

It was -1 upon waking to let H out at 7:30 then after a not bad sleep I was now awake. Time for some brain gyming games, coffee button on way by to feed H and onto marketing after a shower. S had a wee sleep in to prep for travel day. I called Dad to let him know Mom was on her way with as light delay getting stuck in Auntie's driveway ;) The Hello Fresh package arrived, going to eat this week.

I had lots to catch up on blog wise as well as publish B's dresser tutorial and get sent to all sponsors and posted on pages. I made the pizza sans cheese and left to rise. The sun was out and the temps warm at 5 rising to 7 as were ran to town. S dropped me at the doctor who I have not seen since 2017! She looked at some moles, chatted and was done at noon. S had ran to wash the car, fill with fuel and pick up my paint package at Fedex drop stop. We swung thru Tims on way home to get a tea.

not the best day to wash a car in my humble opinion, this is what it looks like once back home :) Harley agrees

At the ranch I put on the pizza cheese, popped it in the preheated oven I had set and got it cooked. Shaina came up to grab her pieces and back to work. S went and rolled out a bale after eating as the clouds rolled in and winds picked up like crazy. He was back in, stuffed his Franklin back pack with a few more things and was off to the airport at 2. I went to the garage and found the water splattered cabinet needed touch ups with the damp wiping not removing. While the paint dried I opened my paint package. Then I started applying the transfers to the sides and then to the front doors.

After feeding Harley seeing the sun was back out and wind died down I asked Shaina to join us for a walk. She then was off to the gym at 5. I ate my supper portion from last night, just like I had a chef :) While I was applying transfers the Etsy cash register bell rang, yeah! It was the farmhouse candleholder. I got it all boxed up, label created and ready to get on the mail wagon :)

I was working on a Hometalk post for the painted pots when B arrived at her usual 6:30. She text needing supplies for KD swollen leg so I mixed some bute and grabbed a wrap and found her out in the dark winter pasture. I held the light and she wrapped after dosing her then we headed back. Shaina pulled in as were were finishing around 7. I went to lock cats up but only found Stella and put her away. I had just taken J out of garage when I went out but after looking around the house and wandering back out in the field I eventually found him and tucked him away too. B and Coop had gone home and Shaina was eating her supper. I finished the pot post.

Shaina was off to soak in the tub and I worked on catching up the blog before heading to bed to watch my iPad. Again I wound up watching Jamie's Money Saving Meals (Save with Jamie) on Gem. I am OK with this Canadian TV app but don't like the few commercials.

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