Monday, January 3, 2022

Dresser sale with a side of panic

I woke at 7 before H who did not come in and ask to go out till 7:30, nice! It was overcast with lightly falling snow when sun came out after 8. I made a pot of coffee, got Bruce going before feeding H then jumped in the shower. The robot is having a few issues and after half hour with the company tech they say the motor needs to be replaced, WTH?? 2 days use and I had to order a new replacement.

Next up was touch up staining of the floors and cabinet edges. Looks better I guess

Britt, Cooper and Dave (visiting after his big race weekend) were out after 1:30. I ground the flax for her feed supplements and they went to feed the 2 horses. They stopped for a visit after bringing the cats back with them and shutting off the light then headed to town after 3.

Being so cold Cooper became a lapdog :)

I went to do computer work and saw a fellow wanting to come see the natural wood dresser, sure. I headed down to get it ready and when I took the black placemats off that were on to protect the top I saw there were dark marks from the edges, no idea why. Panic set in trying to wash then erase the marks but no luck. So I ran and got paint, brush and sanding sponge and gave it a fresh coat. I tried emailing the fellow to hold off but the phone rang saying they were at the gate. Fresh paint not even dry. They measured the size to be sure it could lay flat in their car, checked out the blue one as an option but came back to the white one. I offered to let it dry and do the damask stencil on it and possibly deliver Sunday but they decided to take it freshly painted. I packed up a jar of paint to go along then the fellow and I hauled it up and out into their car successfully. Whew that all took less then an hour but all in high gear!

Shaina arrived back home from the city after 4 while we were chatting and off to her office. I fed Harley and got chili cooking for supper. Shaina and I visited over our bowls, seems she will be vacating the suite on Jan 15 to go sublet another place in Calgary for 3 months ;( I organized photos and worked on the blog before heading to bed after 8:30. The wind blew most of the day but really picked up again now. It was -17 when I went to bed and when I sent H out quick at 9 it was -25. The wind howled thru the night.

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