Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Winter solstice & Mom's birthday

Today is winter solstice and Mom's birthday!! Also a chinook rolled in and warmed the day starting at -12 when I woke to feed H. She was excited to see Sheldon who did not see her yet when he came out to join me for coffee. He had computer work to do on his new laptop including appealing a parking ticket he got in the car at that dinner the other week downtown. I published the damask magazine rack tutorial and got shared and sent where needed. Shaina is sick today calling to request a coffee brought to her room and her water bottle filled. I looked out to see both cats on the deck and then looked to see the side man door open. This does not close well and is usually locked but must have popped opened today and yesterday for J.

It was now up to -6 so we bundled up and headed out. I started to take off horse blankets while he plugged in the skid steer. I tried the new one B picked up on Pep, KD and Switch. He started a fire in the firepit to burn an old pallet while I fed the horses. It felt heavenly out after the cold snap. We finished the chili for lunch but it seems Shaina wanted soup so I made her mushroom and delivered to her room trying to contain her there.

S had pugged his truck in but it would not start after an hour so he put the booster on it. He also did a loop around the yard scooping the frozen poop before he showered off his campfire smell. Back outside with a high of -3 now he got the truck got it going and headed to town to grab a few groceries and charge it. He dropped them back off with the mail then headed to town to meet a service company for supper and evening out. While he was doing all this I was making toffee tarts. This process started out good, went to allot of swearing and frustration as 2 of the pans stuck but eventually I salvaged about 40. This tarts are so much fiddly work that seems not to be worth it while making until you eat one.

Harley got a frozen banana, PB and applesauce treat while I was baking.

Ooops.. I am too strong

CRAP!!! There was allot of swearing and multiple attempts to repair and get them out of the 2 pans.

I am going to look for premade mini shells ;)

Wow this is an afternoon of work and this is the end result

I got them finished up, washed up all the pots and made kale salad for supper. I also was trying the robot vacuum in a guest room then basement with so many issues of it getting stuck and stopping. It is a no go yet again. I took Shaina hot soup, orange juice and the rest of her eggnog to her sick bay.

B was out before 7 bringing Shaina a tea who did not think to order one for her mother ;( She was off at 7:30 stopping at the herd in the dark to check on them before heading home. I headed to soak in the tub and watch more Selling Tampa. In bed I started another new series called Twentysomethings Austin listening to the coughing roommate below. I watched it till almost 1. It seems I was mistaken about S going to town to meet the friends; by town he meant the city which ended up with him irresponsibly driving home at 2:30 am. Silly boy!

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