Thursday, December 2, 2021

Projects staged

So it seems I forgot to unplug the house speaker again and it will randomly chime and of course it started at 6 today, grrrr. Harley slept in garage and wanted out early but held her off till 8 when I let her out to poop then back in to wait much to her disappointment. She was fed before 9 as usual then I got my cap made and onto get my 9 am post up. The dogs and I went to let the cats out, brr it is brisk -4 out.

The trinket box was up next getting silver added to all sides, a transfer inside the top lid then a final wax.

Shaina was up late at almost 10:30, fed Lexi then back up after 11 so I had her help me haul in the desk to stage and post. I am still not sure I like the wood tones and top but will see the interest it gets and decide from there. She was off to the gym but back for her 1 pm call bringing me a tea, THANKS!

After a bowl of soup for lunch I finished the last paint module in my course and started working on tutorials. I few photos of the finished trinket box were taken.

Shaina took a break after 4 and she and I took the dogs for a walk. Once back at the house I put the cats away then inside to feed H and soak horse feed. Shaina was eating soup then off to work so I got back to my tutorials for a bit.

Supper was up next to make the last HF meal; bulgar chicken bowl. I also mixed up a pizza dough and put in fridge for tomorrow and refed the starter for bread later. The meal was delicious with Britt and Cooper arriving just as we started eating. She fed the horses and was off in short order. She seems even more stressed about her upcoming test in 3 days. She does however have tomorrow off to study then all next week to relax once it is over.

Computer work for both Shaina and I after I washed up pots and pans, counters and started the dishwasher. The green accent table tutorial was finished. Shaina was back up to make a strawberries and chocolate dessert before heading to soak in the tub.  Around 9 the snow started to softly fall. Now it feels like Christmas. I headed to bed after making up the sourdough to watch my iPad. Sheldon did not make it home till 11:15 and straight to bed.

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