Monday, December 6, 2021

Dried oranges epic fail

After feeding H her breakfast I did a bit of marketing then got our bed stripped and in the laundry (H likes to rest her mud flaps on my white sheets when waking me) S made coffee and perused the internet in big brown. I sliced up oranges to make the trending dried orange decorations and put in a low oven.

A light dusting of snow started to come down for a bit.

And wouldn't you know it I had a tear on a nail which required it cut super short and now the gel polish is peeling, UGH I was doing so well.

Shaina was up and off to town to work out, to an appointment and grab groceries. I cleaned out my pantry then all the top drawers seeing the vacuum was out. I also rolled out pizza dough and layered on ingredients. The orange slices were removed for it to cook then put back in with the temp set back to low. 

The Hello Fresh box arrived supersized this week!!

B and Coop arrived just before 1 as the pizza was cooling and pulling into the garage to get some car stuff checked. This is her week off. S came in to eat, Shaina was back soon after with her groceries, teas for us THANKS, she ate some pizza and off to work. I smelt burning and checked the slices to find I should have let the excess heat out more before putting them in, BOO!!!

dang it!! but I did salvage a few

B fed horses then back to car trouble shooting. She got it all sorted after a few in and outs in the garage with her car then she and Cooper were off for home around 3. My cleaning continued with more cupboards and making my freshly laundered bed. S took a break from his internet surfing in big brown to run to the mail which turned out to be a waste of gas LOL.

For supper I cooked up the first HF meal; saucy porkchops. They were good as usual. Once all was cleaned up S and I caught up on the 2 Yellowstone episodes while S was off to her suite.

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