Sunday, December 26, 2021

Deep freeze Boxing Day

H was quiet till the garage door was opened at 9 am, she preferred to eat and even then hesitant about going out in the -25. It was a quick in and out. Coffee was enjoyed in bed with a test run of the new massage machine. I think it will be a keeper. Dude had her coffee and hot oatmeal and fresh fruit delivered. Today she has moved to a 8.5/10 from the 8 yesterday and 4 on worst day which was Tuesday.

A kitchen clean and wrapping tidy was next as well as opening a gift from Ma and Pa XOXO. Time for a fire and blog catch up for me while S relaxed in big brown. S moved to the couch to sleep while I decided to lay on the bed and continue Emily in Paris between maid duties. Today I plan to have a relaxing stay in your housecoat and cozy new house socks from Ma and Pa day.

Snack and J were requested to the quarantine room which J loved. S ran out to plug in skid steer and shoveled the front walk where some snow accumulated overnight. More boxing day tidying up.

Britt and Cooper were out at 2 and for the next almost 2 hours she catered to feeding her horses. Everyone got the beet pulp combo I had soaked for her. The province wide cold alert came out with temps hitting into the + -40 with the wind chill over night. Currently it has a -36 wind chill. The dogs tried to go out and play but it was not long before B had to carry Cooper back in and drag H back to the warm garage. They stayed in with me then. 

Once the horses figured out B had a bucket of food they came running - video

I rousted Sheldon to go help her bring down the blue tub and square bales to put in the arena after she opened the big door for them to come in. Snow stated to fall softly. He also rolled a bale out just outside the door which B helped get baler twine off etc. She is such a dedicated horse care owner.

setting out the all inclusive hay buffet - video

B and Cooper headed home after 4, she brought S a bottle of white rum and mini chocolate bars for his gift which paired well with part of Kaylin's gift; make it rum kits. He added the rum to the flavor jars and left to infuse. We laid on the bed and started the movie the Starling. It is an ok movie but pretty mellow being based on mental health.

one kit is spiced and the other vanilla

We stopped at 6 so I could chop and roast Brussel sprouts to go with the leftover meat and watch the news. S went to the TV room to watch the end of the juniors hockey game while I worked on catching up the blog. Once game was over we finished the Starling movie then watched The Unforgivable. It was a good movie ;) which we followed up with this weeks Yellowstone. S was off to sleep and I watched some more Emily.

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